B&M ShiftPlus Electronic Shift Improver | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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B&M ShiftPlus Electronic Shift Improver


Active Member
October 21, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Flagstaff, Az / Nogales, Az
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
Has anyone here heard of this and what it does performance-wise? Or if its worth the money? Saw it at the autoparts store the other day and it caught my eye... :)

B&M ShiftPlus

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I had one on my blazer, very noticable firm and quickness in the shifts, neeeevvvvver used the stage II setting to rough. I wish i could get one for my X

Yes it's worth the money and easy to hook up. I love firm shifts so I'd be on stage II all the time.

i didn't see an application for the auto for the 2nd generation trannys. if there is i would be interested.

I think the last year you can put it on an X is 97 which sucks, I'd prob have one already other wise. I know with GM it was the same type deal, 98+ you couldn't do it, but if you found the right wires you could. The transmission there was essentially the same just different parts, I think different pump materials ect, same design tho.

Trans Code "T"

I heard on a post around here that, one guy had a trans code "T" and it worked for him. I have a trans code "T" and was wondering which one of the two kits he put on. Has anyone else heard of this working, or what you gotta do? :rolleyes:


I have a trans code T (i think) and it didnt work.. I have one i would sell for $30 shipped. I put it on a coupld of days ago and took it off after about a day. You would need to get some female blade connectors though, i lost them :/

It works yes, but I'm not sure how hard it is on the tranny, it worried me so I sold it.

I know this is an older thread but do you have to shut the truck off before switching modes?

I'm just wondering how well it works? Might get one if it makes my tranny more fun :burnout:
