Back doors will not open from the inside! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Back doors will not open from the inside!


January 15, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Hackettstown, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLY
I have a 94 XLT the the back doors will not open from the inside. The child lock is off but it is stuck in the off postion. I does not move. Any ideas? what can I do?

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If it is the handles, and they are similar to 2nd gens, they're about $14 at Ford and very easy to replace. Good Luck!

You'll break the new handles too if you don't really lube up the latch mech. The handle pushes on a thin wire that just bends when the latch starts to stick. Extra force on the handle only breaks it. I replaced my handles and gently worked the handle about while pumping in oil. After about trying 30 times, it finally started to work.

I've found that out too! I've replaced the passenger-rear handle and tried to lube up the mech, but something is still out of alignment. My girls need to fully extend the handle and pop the door with their shoulder to get it open. SHould probably try again before i get a hospital bill for a dislocated shoulder...

ditto....replace inner handles

Yep my explorer has the same issue with the back driver side door. I wasn't sure what was going on but I noticed the handle is broken/bent outwards like someone pulled on it too hard. So 14 bucks at a Ford dealer you say?

I'm glad it's a cheap fix then :)

A little different question

So my rear passenger wont open from the outside OR the inside. Do you think if i get the inside working, i will be able to fix the outside? I don't know how though...

all I can suggest is to get a thin bar and slide it inside the panel to try and trigger the mechanism????just a thought

The only way to open the back doors from the inside is I have to play with the power locks for a while and even then I sometimes have to open it from the outside once then you can open it from the inside for a short while

NineSixXLT said:
Yep my explorer has the same issue with the back driver side door. I wasn't sure what was going on but I noticed the handle is broken/bent outwards like someone pulled on it too hard. So 14 bucks at a Ford dealer you say?

I'm glad it's a cheap fix then :)

Yeah, but as OperaHouse said, it's likely that something inside isn't working properly, so when you've got the door panel off and the new handle installed, check and lube the mechanism inside the door.

explorer4x493 said:
So my rear passenger wont open from the outside OR the inside. Do you think if i get the inside working, i will be able to fix the outside? I don't know how though...

Well i replaced the inside handle on the rear driver, but i still have the problem getting the rear passenger even open. Any new thoughts???
