back seat question, Measurements | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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back seat question, Measurements


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2009
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2000 mountaineer
I don't have a sport trac yet, But I have some questions

Can someone tell me if the smaller side of the back set lifts up? I know the back of the seat folds down but I mean like the bottom seat part folds up to the top seat as illustrated in the Red arrow?


If it does fold up, Can someone also tell me the measurements of the floor area underneath it as illustrated in the yellow and blue arrows.

I am wanting to put a subwoofer box in this area and I am wonder if I will have the room


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The bottom of the seat is fixed in place. Only the seatback folds down. The factory subwoofer on Adrenaline models is in the storage compartment behind the seat. In your case you could either do that or take the seat out, install the sub, and bolt the seat back in.

can just the small side seat be removed? I wouldn't care if It was not there at all. I'd rather have my sub there than the seat

Yes, the bolts are pretty easy to reach.

hehehe, the title of this is hard to not comment on.

In another week I can go home and give measurements of the dual, behind the seat box.

hehehe, the title of this is hard to not comment on.

In another week I can go home and give measurements of the dual, behind the seat box.

ha didn't even think about that. Oh well maybe it will entice people to comment lol

I plan to remove both bottom seats, install a sub box with four 12's, then bolt the seats to the top of the box. The seat back will tilt forward to access the storage compartment, but not fold down...


yeah the subs I'm running would never fit under the seat, They sit too deep and require more sq footage

I think I'm just gonna take that small seat out completely. Then no one can complain that my sub box is on the seat because there wont be one ;)

I've seen people put a mess of speakers across the rear bulkhead too.

Just take the seats out and put in like 4 20" subs in the back... ya know no big deal
