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bad cd error


New Member
December 6, 2008
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Took 6 disc cd changer out of 1996 Explorer....had local shop clean and realign the laser. Put the changer back in vehicle and it loads cd's, but says "bad cd". The cd's play in every other player I have. Could this be because of the RCU in back? Any suggestions?

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Did it play CD's before you took it in? What prompted you to take it in and be realligned?

No, it was giving me the same message. It reads the cd...shows the tracks, but shows "bad cd"

Are these "burned" CD's or store bought "pressed" CD's that you have loaded? My Mustang's Mach 460 in-dash 6 disc changer likes all "pressed" discs and only some "burned" discs...and it's a pain in the butt getting them out after the error occurs. My 98 XLT has the Pioneer 6 disc changer with the Premium system :eek: and it has played every disc I have loaded so far, but I have only had the truck for a month.

It could be alot of things, but usually a disc error results from the disc loading system which would be in the changer. Does your head unit have a cd player? If so, does that play OK?

I does not. I guess I can find another changer and see if it works. If it doesn't work then it probably something else.


I got the BAD CD message from my player, so i bought another one off of ebay.Put it in last night, and it played all 6 discs. Now today, i get the BAD CD message again, with this other changer, it will not play pressed or burned cds. Any idea how i killed 2 changers?

I have no idea. It seems like there are solutions for other problems with this changer, but not the "bad cd" error. I saw a blurb on the internet about the RCU might be bad. I wish there was an OEM or non-OEM compatible changer that would work.
