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Bandit's '91 XLT

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for some reason your link isn't working. I didn't do it. It was......RUN


Hey, leebo, try it again, I think I fixed it, sorry. Please let me know if it doesn't work still.

Thats better. I like how you asked for some money....Tacky, very tacky. Nice truck though. Keep it going.


Well, I've noticed over a hundred of you have hit my site, but I haven't gotten any feed back. What do you think?

Lookin' good rippin' up the desert!!!


What color is your truck? Is it black with a dark top? If it is, your explorer is the only one i have seen the same color as mine. Nice truck man!


two tone blue. They call it "midnight blue" on the bottom and a light blue on top.

Like the Visor

I wanna get a visor on mine too. I am worried that no one will be able to match the very few gallons of "deep iris" out there... :)

Don't Tell

That is rattle can! I went to Kragen and used their tourch up paint book to look up the year and color, grabbed the rattle can off the shelf and can of clear coat, and nocked it out. I plan on having the truck painted sometime in the future, so I didn't want to spend the money now to make it perfect only to be redone later. Actually, it turned out perfect. If you are going to get a visor...get the Lund "sunvisor", stay away from the "solarvisor." I had one on my ruck for about two hours, then took it back and had them give me the "sunvisor." I didn't like the look, (it slopes down) and it also had a beant bracket. It didn't fit right. Good Luck!
