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battery question


Active Member
February 12, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Cape May, New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ex. XLT 4x4 4.6L V8
Hey guys,

I did a quick search for batteries, but I really got no clear answer. I know stock our explorers use a group 65 sized battery. My current battery is a group 65 w/cca of 650amps. My question is what other size batteries work in our trucks? What is the min CCA, recomended CCA, and etc... Something that fits the stock tray/under hood without issues/modding.

Thank you,

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You could buy online in advance auto and pick them up in the store (have them installed it for free too) the Gold Autocraft (850CCA) use coupon code ES123 during checkout and you'll end up paying only $88 (30 discount - 12 core charge) The Silver is not that bad either.

These batteries will last for 3 or 5 years depending on how you use it.|GRPBATTAM2_1729450948___

If you're in colder area it's better to have a higher CCA for starting the car. 650 is mostly fine but if you have harsh winter or below freezing temp go with the higher CCA (750 or 850)


My original battery has lasted 9 years (manufactured date of truck is 5/02) and counting. I will replace it with a Motorcraft battery when the time comes.

I have an Interstate megaton rated at 1000 CCA's Its a great battery, I got it from the interstate guy for 40 bucks!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My current battery is a group 65 w/cca of 650amps. My question is what other size batteries work in our trucks? What is the min CCA, recomended CCA, and etc... Something that fits the stock tray/under hood without issues/modding.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I have a V65-6 "Powervolt" 850 CCA battery in my EXP. It's a full size battery that fills up the battery tray end to end. I'm not sure who makes it but at the dealership I bought the truck at, had batteries being delivered by an "Interstate" battery service truck. Possibly made by Interstate batteries. Don't know the cost of it either, I told the dealership to install a new battery as part of the sale agreement since the the battery that came in the truck from the auto auction was undersized. I live in the Buffalo, NY area and we had some very cold days a few months ago, and the Powervolt battery they gave me, started the truck on the first try each and every time, including some days as a cold as -14 degrees below zero, not counting the wind chill temp. If you need your battery to start on cold days, don't go below 800 CCA. The more CCA's the better in full size trucks/SUV's in my opinion.
