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Best CB/Antenna?

Hi, what do you guys think would be the best CB radio and antenna? I am hoping to get a radio with a mic option for a few extra $$. I don't know what style (roof, side mounted, bumber mounted, etc...) or what antenna would be best either.


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i have been in CB And Ham comunicatoins for many years, i would have to say the Wilson 1000's and the 5000, would be about the best antenna i have used in CB to date, one of you mentoined a firestick, they work farly well for what they are as well,
i personaly run a Wilson 5000 on the top of my roof of my Explorer (mag mount) , and a Uniden Emperor 5010 modified Cb/Ham rig, and a power mike.
range? well,, lol someone said something about 6 miles? lol i have talked all over the world lol.

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Without boots?


what type of swr are you getting with the antenna there

Big Bear Bob

well im not exsactly sure what your refering to "without boots" but if your trying to say im kiding you,,
you ovisously havnt been in radio very long.
im not joking about "all over the World"..

Without boots is an old term that means without a linear. But your radio is probably running a few more than 4 watts, as most ametuer radios do.


The great thing about the 25-30 mHz frequencies (which cb at 26-27mHz, happens to be smack dab in the middle of) has the characteristic, that you can communicate great didtances with very little power. By "Skip", or skywave propagation, when the bands are "open", ie conditions are good, trans oceanic communication is not unusual. We have just come through a sunspot cycle 'Peak" and are still seeing the very positive effects of that on the HF bands, allowing very long distance contacts especially mid day.


oh ok,, well i guess you could say it is running more then 4 lol

if your lookin for a cheap cb then radioshack will prolly be your best bet, you can get a discontinued model for not much. the problem is thats what you get, not much. my first cb was a radioshack one, several of my friends also had radioshack cbs. they were generally crap. if you look around and spend a few more dollars you can get a very nice cb that will sound alot better than a radioshack one. a cobra 29 ltd is a pretty good radio and can be had for about 100 bux (prolly even cheaper on ebay). there are several other model/brands that can be had for not too much that are good.

if you only are willin to invest about 50 bux total than go to radio shack. if you want a nice setup spend a few more bux and get a higher quality radio like a cobra, galaxy, ect. you wont be dissapointed.

For the person looking for a good inexpensive CB.

Look into the lower priced Unidens or Corbras; Undiens being my first choise.

The low end radios are priced around the $60.00 mark and for most applications work just as well as the higher priced ones.

You only need the volumne, squelch and channel select knobs.

Buy something inexpensive until you are sure of what you want, then buy BIG !

Good Luck on your choises, there are a few to choose from.
