best radio $300 or less | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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best radio $300 or less


Explorer Addict
August 17, 2004
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City, State
Brooklyn New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer xlt
This week im buying a new radio what would be the best radio that plays mp3 cds and has a remote that cost 300$ or less. thanks in advance

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clarion 745dxz for sure

If you're buying retail I'd say the Alpine CDA-9827 or the Pioneer DEH-P7600MP.

Well .. eBay is the best place IMO, then you could move a step up. eBay has much better prices than retail places. I've never heard the Clarion so I don't know anything about it, but I've heard and used both units that I recommended. I prefer the Alpine because of its fine-tuning options, and Alpine has been a trusted name in car audio forever. If you were to go eBay I'd recommend the Alpine CDA-9831 or 9833. The Kenwood Excelon line is also real nice.

JVC is usually the best bang for your buck, like a SH-55, it has an output for MP3, and plays CD-R and CD-RWs Reliable too.

thanks for all your input, Does anyone know if i can use the inputs on the back of the sony radio for an mp3 player? in some way?

You'd need an auxillary input, which many new HU's have, but I don't think your Sony does. And I've owned 2 JVC units and was not impressed.

Ya get the Pioneer 7600, i have it and absolutely love it. Has all of the features i will ever need.

When looking at Pioneer you should also consider the Pioneer Premier Version. It tends to cost just a couple bucks more and gets an extra feature or 2. I have a very nice Pioneer Premier 750 that I have been very pleased with and would recommend to anyone.

Here is a link to the Premier 760 it is the newer version of the one i have. You should be able to find it for less than the $350 MSRP. They backed down the pre-amp outputs from 6v though, so you may want to see if you can find a 750 somewhere in stock or on eBay even, as mentioned before

also found a decent site for searching for cheap electronics

I would say the new pioneer premier 8mp this thing has alot and i think it is the best looking cd player out now. It has 3 6.5 volt outputs, and a bunch of cool screensavers and i have seen it on ebay for under 300. Real nice deck.

premier vs regular pioneer are exactly the same

you will appreciate the clarion if you get a chance to compare it to the pioneer. it simply plays the music better!

the clarion vs. the alpine comes down to ease of use. the clarion is much easier to tune properly.

also, the clarion is cool because it is somewhat unique. its name which carries a certain degree of prestige- which is always nice, but also its not something you'll see in everyone elses car. which also adds to its appeal imo.

also, it comes with auxiliary inputs, and you can turn the internal amp on and off (nice if you have amps for everythign- and just another example of its flexibility and attention to design).

I've owned 9 different hu's in the last 6 years most from pioneer. I've also installed many, many others. I had never tried a clarion until i decided on my own 945dxz this spring partly due to another forum members testamonial that it would have a more full/simply beautiful sound, and i completely agree. I have since installed 4 clarion units in other peoples vehicles. I will never go back.

ok i hope i can find the clarion in a store near by cause i dont like ordering something that expensive off of ebay, cause if I have a problem I have to sent it back and its just a hassel, now for the sony aux this is the back of the radio maybe you could tell me?

i don't know that a nearby store will have it for the price you want. in fact i highly doubt it. $300 is a good price on that unit, and most likely would need to be an onlin retailer to get that low.

I don't see one, just look for aux labeled. Having the model # would make it easiest. Should be on the faceplate.

Ok so after much consideration Im going with the Pioneer DEH-P7600 from bestbuy(Im doing install)unless they do it for free with purchase lol. Seems to have alot of nice sound settings, the reason for buying it at bestbuy is I want the 4 year waranty they sell. Some people say its a waste of 40$ but I blew out a pair of speakers I got with the waranty and I was in and out within 15 min with new speakers I would have been out $99.99 other wise.

it might be free with purchase, but I'd still do it myself... at least around here lol...

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