Best Recovery System? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best Recovery System?


Active Member
August 3, 2006
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City, State
New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Hey guys, Ive been looking around and would like to make sure I get set up with some recovery stuff after I do some stuff with the X. Just wondering what the best stuff was. I was looking at one of the ARB snatch straps; does anyone have a better alternative? Also looking at a 2" reciever shackle, any brand preference? And lastly some tow hooks. I did some searching around but couldnt seem to come up with a definitive answer, but which tow hooks can I get for the front and where can I get them from? Some people say you need some sort of spacers, some say you dont.

Thanks for all your help, cant wait to do this truck up. Already have a grille, some clear corners, and some PIAA's on the way!

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the front tow hooks you can grap off a 2001 body style f150
the tow strap I just keep my 10000 and 8000 lbs straps in the back nothing special. they havnt failed me yet and when they do ill get another 15 dollar tow strap.

why bother with a receiver shackle?

the receiver adaptor is only as secure to your truck as the pin holding it in is strong.

slip the loop on your tow strap into the receiver, and drop the pin through the loop. a FREE solution.

also - tow straps with hooks are better left in the store. most off road organizations have banned them because the hooks either BREAK, sending the end of the strap flying, or slip off, and end up breaking windows, people, etc.

also - tow straps with hooks are better left in the store. most off road organizations have banned them because the hooks either BREAK, sending the end of the strap flying, or slip off, and end up breaking windows, people, etc.

I understand what your saying 100%. but how do you attach a loop end strap to tow hooks on the front of the truck (some sort of d shackle with pin?)

I understand what your saying 100%. but how do you attach a loop end strap to tow hooks on the front of the truck (some sort of d shackle with pin?)

Yep - you buy a pair of 4tonne D shackles - should cost less than $40 a pair.

why bother with a receiver shackle?

the receiver adaptor is only as secure to your truck as the pin holding it in is strong.

True, but the Super Duty can tow 16,000lbs with that pin holding the receiver in. I really don't see an Explorer shearing it off. I have a Warn receiver shackle, its easy to use in cold temps and the strap stays secure.

sweet, thanks jcuz:thumbsup:

No worries - something like this would work.

You should be able to find something locally, or I would be happy to send some good Aussie ones (probably made in China though) over to you.

Go to a local farm store like Thiesens, Tractor Supply, ect, they have them as well. The D-rings there are rated for like 10,000 lbs and are about $8 each and made in USA last time I checked.

wonder if i can find some D shackles big enough to fit through a hole in the frame... those'd be awesome front recovery points.....

if one vehicle has tow hoops, pass the tow strap LOOP through the HOOP, then pass the other end of the strap through the LOOP (make sense?)

Go to a local farm store like Thiesens, Tractor Supply, ect, they have them as well. The D-rings there are rated for like 10,000 lbs and are about $8 each and made in USA last time I checked.

Or Menards or Homedepot, those are pretty standard in almost all hardware stores. they last forever too, we have been using one since I was a kid- we used it on snowmobiles, pulling engines, everything. They work excellent for towing cause you know that it won't slip off and you can use it for almost anything else after that. you will loose it before you break it too.

Whats the word on a snatch strap; which brand to go with? Those are the ones that stretch in order to un-stuck a vehicle for those of you who dont know.

Whats the word on a snatch strap; which brand to go with? Those are the ones that stretch in order to un-stuck a vehicle for those of you who dont know.

A major 4WD magazine here tested about 20 different brands, and they all pretty much ended up the same; most snapped at well above their rating. Some were only 10% over, others were nearly double. So I'd go with a brand you are comfortable with; mine is T-Max.

Whats the word on a snatch strap; which brand to go with? Those are the ones that stretch in order to un-stuck a vehicle for those of you who dont know.

How much do you want to spend and how big of one do you want. You can spend a few bucks to over a hundred pretty quick. What type of recovery are you looking at. The more sever the use, the larger strap I would recommend.

I was thinking about a snatch strap. Some tow hooks in the front. And a 2" reciever attachment with a shackle on it. Probably a set of hooking chains too. Enough to handle yanking on a fullsize truck if it arises (read superduty).

my straps I bought at a heavy equipment shop like CAT. no hooks just a loop on each end 15 bucks they use them to secure heavy machines to trailers and such
