best way to mount aux lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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best way to mount aux lights


March 21, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Traverse City
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer 4.0L sohc
i'm coming up with a scheme to use a piece of steel and the stock front licence plate holes on the bumper with a piece of L steel to mount a couple of lights. thing this is a strong enough solution...or should I just drill the bumper for this?

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I did something similar on the lower opening of the bumper. Used steel back plates and drilled through the plastic. Mounted with some nuts and bolts. Works exceedingly well imo.


not bad at all


This is how I've got mine done, the thumb isn't necessary.
There's another fitted below it now and they point left and right, it's like a UFO landing.

i'm coming up with a scheme to use a piece of steel and the stock front licence plate holes on the bumper with a piece of L steel to mount a couple of lights. thing this is a strong enough solution...or should I just drill the bumper for this?

I used a "license plate light bracket" off of Amazon to mount my lights. Due to the positioning of the license plate mounts on the 2nd gen, however, i chose to drill new holes in the bumper for it.


Lemme know if you want a close-up of the mount itself.

I tried to keep a clean look up front.



I used some angle steel and drilled my own holes in the angle steel. have since gotten rubber spacers to fix clearance issues and flip the lights up because I was worried about a nice big fock killing my lights. might cut the angle steel shorter but I'm lazy for now and it's still cold here

Just realized that I never posted a pic of the light wing. The lights are Hella 500 fogs.


Here's how I decided to do mine.


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Another angle.


  • image.jpg
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Where did you get the mounts?

I made them myself sense there isn't any on the market for us EX folks.
I used a 2x2in by 3/16in angle iron and cut them to the size and shape I wanted.
Then I pulled both fenders off and anchored the mounts on the inside of the cowl and ran all the wiring high and tight along the back of the cowl inside the engine bay and and through the firewall to the center console to the switch.....
Yeah the whole thing from start to finish took me about 8hrs.

They look really well done; I was sure they were commercially produced.

They look really well done; I was sure they were commercially produced.

Thank you for that!!!
I'm real big on doing it right or not doing it at all.

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