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Black headlights and corners


October 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Bellevue WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 XLT

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IMO i really don't like those on the explorer but if anything i'd get the last one, which has the headlight and corners.
But before you go and spend your money you should try doing it yourself. Open up the headlights and corner lights and paint the black (semi-gloss looks best) I have done that to several cars and you save yourself lots of money.
If your worry about opening them up but willing to try it, wait like a week or so. I'm going to open mine open to install some custom made angel eyes i make.

i believe the last set is the first two put together so id just go ahead and purchase the last set if u dont try the semi-gloss black paint that he^ suggested... theres a guy on here with a pretty beefy dark grey explorer with those headlights and it matches the truck well... maybe he'll chime in here with some pics

The reason I want to get the first two is because it costs about 75-100 dollars less. But if theres any chance of them not matching, I dont want to get them. I might try to paint the insides, but will it turn out as well as what they are selling?

i say paint yours will save you lots of money.

I painted mine the body color of the X.....turned out nicely. I have a thread in here with my pics, you can search for it. Or PM me and I can give you a "how to"

The reason I want to get the first two is because it costs about 75-100 dollars less. But if theres any chance of them not matching, I dont want to get them. I might try to paint the insides, but will it turn out as well as what they are selling?

they will if you take your time and not rush. Main thing is taking apart the headlight and taping off the chrome reflector. You want to make sure you tape everything off correctly so it will look like if you would have bought them.
Then doing light coats of paint you'll be able to achieve the look w/o spending sooooo much money:thumbsup:

for the clear corners, are we able to take them out, and just break the yellow reflector in there to make them clear? I know that i was able to do that with my friends Jimmy

unfortunately no. We need to buy them or tint the amber piece from the inside and it would make the corner light look much better. I did this to my 01 sport before buying the clear corners. I really liked how they looked but i got a good deal on clears so i went for them

Your best bet with the corners is to buy the OEM Export corners. Then bake them and paint them. That's what I did. But by the time you buy the corners, you might as well just buy the package off Ebay.

Your best bet with the corners is to buy the OEM Export corners. Then bake them and paint them. That's what I did. But by the time you buy the corners, you might as well just buy the package off Ebay.

He has a good point. But if you have the time and skill to do it i would try doing it yourself first. If your a busy person then i'd say buying them from ebay..
