Body Lift Removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body Lift Removal


Well-Known Member
July 19, 2002
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City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport and AMG 300CE
O.K. I wanna remove my ugly 3" body lift, which I was told 2". So pleze warn me. Is there alot of work involved? and what must I buy and tools to have on hand? And I bought it with the lift already on it so no old parts are available.

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You're going to need to get your hands on some stock length bolts at the very least. Personally on a 92 I'd go and buy all new body mounts while I was at it since the original ones are probably on thier way out. Other than those things there isnt much else you need, remove all the brackets for the bumpers, radiators, grounding straps, steering extension etc. try and get your hands on some BL directions they should give you some clue as to what needs to be reversed.

Removal should not be all that complicated.

A few things you will need...

A large block of wood to support the body against the jack - use care in placing the jack so that it presses agaisnt a body seam - not bare floorboards.

Replacement body bolts and new mounts are suggested as Doug said.

Look for pinching between the fuel filler hose and the frame when you lower - look for the e-brake cables - and the added bracket that was likely added to lower it (near the driver's door area). Look for the steering shaft lengthener - a short piece that bolts in place in the steering shaft.

Have a few friends in place to help - and air tools make the job go faster.

Otherwise - it is no big deal to lift or to remove body lifts.

Need help, I can't find any body mounts that are stock size

You'll probably have to pick them up from a dealer if they still carry them..

Throw a post in the for sale/wanted section of the forum. Someone likely has a set laying around.

I would give you mine, but they are trashed...

O.K. I just looked at it, seems like one the previous owners had the body lift installed right over the stock mounts. So that can make it easier.

That's the way you always do it. The lift is just a spacer between the factory mount and the body.

Inspect the factory mounts to make sure that the rubber isn't all degraded and torn up. If it is, replace it (that is, unless you are like me and just using the truck for utilitarian purposes).

well I guess so I won't need it anymore

taknitezX2 said:
so are you looking to sell your body lift after you remove it? ;)

the lift blocks will be the only things that might fit your truck, because the bumpers are way differnt, also dont know if the old bolts he is removing will fit either... and another note, he is a sport and not a 4 door

i may buy it if the price is right and it comes off without many broken parts

If you have a 5-speed you may have a shift extender if so I will buy. I am in the middle of putting a body lift any bolts that are not boken are yours if you want them.

i might want to buy that bl if no1 else wants it

O.K. I see 10 mounts and I'll need a 4 point socket breaker bar and ratchet and possible torch to heat the bolts. And yeah I have a 5 speed manual, Which I'll hate having to taking apart my custom console to get to it.
