body mounts are gone! 2002 sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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body mounts are gone! 2002 sport


July 29, 2013
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2002 explorer sport 4x4
Most of the body mounts are completely gone and is making my ride really bad.
I know this is a common problem with these polyurethane mounts on this gen explorer. I know there is some after market mounts i can get, but i
was thing of just pulling some rubber mounts off an older explorer at the junk yard. What should i do? i dont want to spend $600+ at the dealer.
Is it a fairly easy job to do my self? thanks!



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Here's a recent, well written thread for replacing body mounts. May not be identical to your 2-door Sport but the process should be similar. OEM cab mounts are microcellular foam, not polyurethane. The Daystar and Prothane kits are very durable polyurethane, relatively inexpensive, and used by many. Search "body bushings/mounts", pages of threads. GL

The polyurethane body mount kits are what to get.

Body mounts on an older Explorer would be a bear of a job to remove, even in perfect driveway or shop conditions, let alone in the dirt and mud at a salvage yard. They are typically rusted together solid and you'd be there for hours just trying to get them apart, and would likely only have a few bushings in decent condition to show for it.

Think of it this way - the stock mounts falling apart makes it that much easier to remove the hardware and re-use it, just sticking the brand new poly bushings in there.

Wrong section

ok, thanks for the info, I think Ill order the daystar kit.

You can swap in earlier model mounts from a 4dr and fix your issue. I pulled a whole set of mounts out of a 97 4dr and they fit perfect in a 01 sport I had.

I've got question relating to this issue.

I have the same problem on my 00 XLT. I just need to know if these mounts being bad will cause any other damage to the truck?

I only need to get about 7 more months out of the truck before I plan on getting a new one so I really don't want to put any real money into it.


I don't think it should hurt the truck at all, just effects the ride.

In the very long run, it will hurt the Truck as undampened vibrations will kill the body. For seven months I wouldn't sweat it though.

Thread moved out of 1st gen forum.

