Box building 1/2 inch or 3/4 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Box building 1/2 inch or 3/4

really, line the box with dynomat?? could u use anything else, my new one is just a sealed box, with 4 subs,

i'll do nething to make these hit harder and clearer, thanks

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410Fortune said:
hahaha 3/4 is overkill :)

nothin' wrong with a little overkil now and then.........

The Model Of Rockford Amps that Liv bought does not have line outs. I had to use y-cables and It works fine.

Yes it will work fine, I have had them in several of my own vehicles as well.
I am not bagging on you hahaha! Just throwing in my 02.

Overkill thats funny.

With all that polyfill, dynomat, I assume its a sealed enclosure? Did you paint or resin the MDF as well?

Oh yeah gator dont forget to paint the inside and or outside of the box too...MDF is pourus and will leak air, it helps.

Why are you telling me, Im not making a box. I might consider it down the line, but Im perfectly happy right now.

hey gator, on the back of that pioneer head unit there are 2 sets of outputs, the front outputs and the rear outputs, can i just use both when i hook up my amp or do i need to just use the rear and split it a ways back?

Use the rear and split it. The front is for your front speakers and is directionnal. The rear is not directional so it needs to go to subs. When you hook up your speaker amp, use the front set.

well here it is, all done, i've got 2/4 kenwoods that are going in it, 2 more on the way, can't wait

old box

NEW one!


hows urs coming? liv2surf34


I need to do something like that. All I would have to do is replace my amps with ones that were stable to 1 Ohm, and buy two more subs. Fun stuff.

go for it, i've got the measurements, if u or anyone is interested

How many cubic feet per sub?
