Brake Job Basics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake Job Basics


January 29, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mountaineer 5.0L
I'm planning to do the brakes on my 99 Mountaineer. Last time I checked, getting the rear rotors off looked fairly straightforward. But the fronts have some kind of retainer clips on the lugs. Is there a trick or tool for removing and installing these clips? Should I order new ones for the front? Are there any parts I need to get other than pads and possibly the retainer clips?


Ditch the clips, they put them on at the factory to hold the rotors during assembly.

Why are they on the front rotors and not the rear? Also, when I pull the front rotors, does it expose the bearings?

If it's anything like an explorer which I imagine it is then no, it's just a hub under it if it's 4x4, I'm unsure about 4x2 since I've never done them. Hopefully since your in florida the rotors aren't rusted on there so they don't want to come off. There were slides on the calibers that the pads stick on which was a pain to keep on while trying to put the pads on, I think that was the most difficult part of the whole thing for me. That or getting the damn rotors off since they were rusted on so I had to use a gear puller to pop'em off.
