Brake pedal issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake pedal issue


February 19, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
I hope I'm posting this is the right place, if not, please forgive me :)

A couple of days ago I noticed the brake pedal making a wierd noise in my 99 Explorer.
When you press down on the pedal, it sounds can I explain it? Sounds like when you rub a latex balloon, a wierd rubbery sound 'squeaky squeaky squeaky'. It is accompanied by a rubbery feel to the pedal, like I'm stepping on a rubber ball. I have no trouble with braking though, nor does the ABS light come on or anything. It doesn't feel like that feeling when the ABS kicks in (you know, when it pushes back at you) I've had no recent work done to it and no other problems.

It's been super unseasonable hot and humid here for the past week or so (90 degrees plus) do you think this might have something to do with it? Is it something to worry about? I just don't want to drive around and have the brakes fail on me or anything.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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Just have someone get down their to look while you step on the brake. Maybe then it would be easier to identify the problem/annoyance. If you think its the heat blast the AC for hour or so and see what happens when the truck cools down. Sorry if that was a stupid suggestion guys...LOL

Good Luck

It sounds to me like you are describing a spongey pedal. A spongey pedal is caused by air in the system somewhere and is often accompanied by a squeaky kind of sound from the pedal. I guess you could also just need your rears adjusted. That will often make the pedal a bit low and spongey feeling. Definitely have someone visually inspect under your pedal. Maybe something is just binding or rubbing against the pedal?
Either way get it checked.
Good luck

When were the brake pads last replaced? You could have worn through a brake pad and it is beginning to grind its way into a rotor. Brake pads look like brake pads on a mountain bike. Normally they wear evenly on both sides, but if the caliper (device which forces the pads to grip the rotor) gets stuck it could cause uneven wear on the pads (one pad could look new, while the other is worn down to nothing). Anyway you'll need someone to inspect your brakes to evaluate the exact cause of the problem. How is your brake fluid level, and have you added any recently?

DeRocha said:
Normally they wear evenly on both sides, but if the caliper (device which forces the pads to grip the rotor) gets stuck it could cause uneven wear on the pads (one pad could look new, while the other is worn down to nothing).

Just as an aside, I have never, in 5+ years, had the brake pads wear evenly on my Explorer. :) The inside pad is always worn 20-30% more than the outside.
