Brake repair on 01 Sport Trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake repair on 01 Sport Trac


New Member
December 8, 2007
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City, State
Dallas, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport Trac
I just replaced the routers and pads on my '01 Sport Trac. I was surprised that the bearings were part of the router but I Test drove and now I am getting what feels like ABS at low speed and when I brake hard it pulls to the drivers side. I wasn't able to bleed the passenger side but was the drivers side. I couldn't loosen the bleeding screw on the passenger side.

Thanks for any help

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So you have a 2WD, how clean are the ABS sensors? Check those because they are very sensitive and easily can cause issues like that. They are delicate and need to be clean and mounted true against the ABS ring of the rotor.

Spray the bleed screw with a penetrant and allow it to soak, use a socket to loosen that. Good luck,

It's pulling to the drivers side because you didn't bleed the pass side

I'll spray some penetrant on the bleeder screw and bleed the passenger side. What does the ABS sensor look like?

The wiring to the sensor runs down the top of the spindle, coming from the front frame rail. Basically try to wipe them clean any time you get to them, like when the rotor comes off. There is a tiny bolt holding it on the spindle I believe, an 8mm socket will get it loose.

Any left/right pulling would not be from bleeding, only related if there is air in a line etc. If you did not open the bleed screw(crushed the caliper pistons), no air got in. If bleeding didn't add air, then the pulling is related to something else. Regards,


  • SS brake lines.JPG
    SS brake lines.JPG
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Thanks..I will try in the AM. I kept the caliper all the way in while I was working on the brakes so I shouldn't have had air but I will still bleed them. I really appreciate the help.
