brand new to my explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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brand new to my explorer


April 19, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Orem, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
97' XLT
Okay, well I'm brand new to my explorer, my name is Tonii. Live in Utah I own a 1997 explorer XLT V8 AWD, Black, grey leather. The plan is to do minor mods, and I hope I can learn alot from the veterans here. I have had it for 4 days now and already got sick of the yellowish tint to the headlights so I added some cool blues, I know that really doesn't count as a mod but I'm sure there is more to come. cheers everyone :chug:

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Welcome to the site..


You came to the right place. If you have a question search first then post. Nearly everything to do with an Explorer is answered here.

welcome to the site

Welcome. :)

Thanks fellas, the site has already been a help to me. :chug:

Welcome aboard. Hey any change from factory, no manner how minor is a "MOD". Enjoy your X, there the best. :bounce:

Welcome to the site:D
