Broken driver's side power window switch? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken driver's side power window switch?


New Member
September 17, 2010
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I have an 02 Explorer. The driver's side/left driver's window power switch seems to have gone bad. The other 3 switches work fine. The window will go down but will not go up but if I pry loose the module and fiddle with it, it will go back up. The power switch itself feels broken. It doesn't have the same "click" that the other 3 switches have when pressing the up arrow and feels like it is broken inside (if that makes any sense.)

My question is, can I just buy that individual switch or do I need to buy the entire module with all 4 switches? Looking online I can see the entire module for around $47 but I would buy the individual switch if cheaper but I can't seem to find it.

Thanks in advance, great site.

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You have to get the whole thing.

Thanks Matt. After reading a fair amount it appears that when windows aren't working correctly it could be a few different problems.

Do my symptoms appear to be switch related? I'm far from an expert but the way the switch feels and acts it sure seems like it. I don't really want to buy the part if that's not the problem but I'm sure it's a good place to start.

IF the switch feels physically bad than replace the switch. If you don't want to buy a new one becuase you are worried that there is something else, try a junk yard to see if they have one.

Here is a great link for troubleshooting the power windows, thanks to theofam for this great link Dead Link Removed

I recommend that you download it so it will easier to read and you'll have it for future reference.

Hope this helps out. Keep us posted.

I ended up ordering the master switch off of ebay, installed it in about 5 minutes and everything is working again. Thanks to all.

I ended up ordering the master switch off of ebay, installed it in about 5 minutes and everything is working again. Thanks to all.

Nice getting the stuff working again isn't it? :thumbsup: Thanks for the update. :biggthump

Wannabe Elite Explorer
Chicago, il
2002 Ford Explorer XLT

Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 1

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This is my first post and I'm in love with this forum! My drivers side window with the auto has been feeling strange for about a year! After researching here I ordered a power window switch from ebay for $50 since my dealer said the motor was fine a year ago! I figured for that little I had to try! I literally pulled off the trim piece (no tool) took the 2 plugs out put new piece in and now in my Chicago winter have a window that goes up and down again! 5 min and $50! Worth a try right?

This is my first post and I'm in love with this forum! My drivers side window with the auto has been feeling strange for about a year! After researching here I ordered a power window switch from ebay for $50 since my dealer said the motor was fine a year ago! I figured for that little I had to try! I literally pulled off the trim piece (no tool) took the 2 plugs out put new piece in and now in my Chicago winter have a window that goes up and down again! 5 min and $50! Worth a try right?

Nicely done. :D:thumbsup:

I am wrangling with a variation on this theme. I figured out that the ground wire to the main driver side switch had failed, so I put in a jumper to a bolt in the body for the ground side of the circuit. Then I tried the window and a couple connections in the circuit board in the switch burned up. So I'm guessing that was the original problem and the ground wire burned off at a connection somewhere. The ALLDATA drawings that show the hot and ground wires would have saved me some time there, so thanks for that link.
