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Browser problems


Moderator Emeritus
May 3, 2003
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Smithville/Austin, Tx
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08' Suzuki SX4
Using either Fire Fox or IE7, after a short time of using the browser, as I scroll down the screen starts to blur and move diagonal to the right, if I scroll up the screen will start to move and diagonal to the left, if I hit F11 it will correct it's self then start the crap again if I resume scrolling.

At some point it will lock up the computer and I will have to hold the power key down to restart the computer, it can be as long as 15min before it starts again or almost as soon as I open a browser.

I have run a scan and nothing comes back as malicious or harmful.

Here is what the screen looks like:


Thanx in advance, Jeff

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Few questions for you first off, does it happen in any other program? Does it consistantly happen regardless of "where" you browse?

From the minimal info I see, it looks like it could be an issue with your video drivers, or the card itself.

See if you can update the drivers for your video card, if that doesn't work then the card may be toast.

Thanx, Pboss it does happen on whatever page I'm browsing, not just EF, but all pages I browse.

I haven't tried it with Excel which is what I put my grades on for my classes, one cause I'm just a bit afraid to loose any of that or transfer anything corrupt to my thumb drive and then back to my desktop at school.

I'm make a pseudo file and try that I guess and see if it still does it.

As for the video driver that's a really good call, I am using a dated Think Pad model T23, that just had the hard drive replaced, and a new OS installed, I guess I can goto the IMB web site and try and find a driver for it, plus I have noticed that the video is all choppy when I do play back for saved files on my hard drive.

Thanx again and I'll report back with the new findings ;)

Jeff - :navajo:

Sweet ... let me know, and I'll see if there is anything else I can find in the meantime :)

Computers are my "thing" ... well at least that's what they tell me my job is :)

Ok, I'm lying ... I have a Computer "with" me 24/7 :) I am a "geek" or "nerd" or whatever you want to call it :)

I suspect its a hardware issue.

I suspect an alcohol screen looks just like that after many beers....


Ok down loaded a patch for the video card, and that stopped the screen from going diagonal, but DL'ed MP4's are still choppy.

Youtube, and vifeos sent by mail that are not MP4's are fine.

So for now everything is cool, I guess I can live without the MP4's till I get a new faster machine.

Thanx for all the help folks :D

Jeff - :navajo:

I suspect an alcohol screen looks just like that after many beers....


I was thinking flashback from college days :confused:

but DL'ed MP4's are still choppy.

Go into the Quicktime preferences and check to see what mode of video playback it is using. Safe mode or DirectX. Try the other mode and see what happens.

To check those settings:
Start QuickTime
Click Edit menu
Click Preferences
Select QuickTime Preferences...
Select the Advanced tab
Check the Video settings


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