Bug shield with Brush Guard or no?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bug shield with Brush Guard or no??



I already have a nice billet grille and bug guard on my X but i just recently purchased a brush guard (grizzly)... I was already kinda mad that my brush guard will take away from the beauty of the billet but should i keep or sell my bug guard?? i hit a deer and it ####ed up my fender and hood and bug guard (didn't touch engine bay) but so i got a new front end basically.. new light fixture and billet and bug guard.. but would it look good with the bug guard on with the brush guard or off?

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IMO, if you have billet and a brush guard, adding a bug guard will just worsening the looks of the truck. But if you look at the functionality of it, you will have less paint chips if you put it on. So I guess it's your call. If you need the money, sell it. If not and want to keep the hood's paint looking nice, put it on.

I had a brushgaurd and bug deflector on my truck and it looked fine but it comes down to personal preference. Imho a bug deflector, billet grill and brushguard will make the front end look really busy.

This is about the best shot I have. I have the Lund Avenger(the low pro one) and you can hardly tell its there by taking a quick glance.


  • MVC-734F.JPG
    88.9 KB · Views: 337

those all look real good but i guess you're right about it being more personal opinion..... i think i'll leave it on to save from the rocks it can only help.. we'll see tho, ill get pics up once i get it on in about a week... thanks for all the replies!

How much can you get for a bug guard?

Laddy said:
How much can you get for a bug guard?

depends on the condition and style of the bug guard I guess... dealers try to sell them for around 100 and some stores sell them around 70-120 im guessing... i'd probably sell mine, if i was going to sell it.., for like 50 or 60$ shipped... it's brand new and no nicks or anything on it.. very nice
