Bumper Mount Light Brackets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bumper Mount Light Brackets

I'd like to do 2 big ass KC daylighters or something similar but I don't have a grille gaurd to mount them on yet so I'm just gona drill them into the front bumper but i'm scared how this will look.

Does anyone have pictures of some KC's or similar lights drilled onto the front bumper?...does anyone think it would look amazingly horrid on my eddie?

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I didn't drill... I used the bumper brackets that Jefe came up with.. pretty simple really...


what exactly do the brackets bolt to?.....I really don't have any machineing/welding skills to make my own brackets...

does someone here sell them?...mine is a 98

Thanks for the picture...your X looks really good!

Yes Virginia, thats 1/4" steel. i think they're painted with Rustoleum black paint, but i'm not sure. It black, i can tell you that much ;)

Oh, and they mount the bumper bolts. If you lay under the front end of your truck and look where the bumper mounts to the frame, the 2 inside bolts (there are 4 holding the bumper to the frame) are what these mount too. all you do is take off the nut, slip this bracket on, and then put the nut back on. You can see the rubber spacers in the pic. I put those between the bracket and the bumper (the mounting bolt for the light goes into the hole in the rubber) too keep the lights from fluttering when on the highway. I ran like this for about 3 months and really liked it, i thought it looked great.


  • light brackets2.jpg
    light brackets2.jpg
    19.9 KB · Views: 6,186

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm on fire with these pics...

heres where it mounts (the nut is gone in this pic apparantly)

Check my photo galler if you want to see more pics of the lights. I've got a few in there. PM me if you're interested :D


  • light brackets - mount.jpg
    light brackets - mount.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 6,243

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Originally posted by HokieBert
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm on fire with these pics...

heres where it mounts (the nut is gone in this pic apparantly)

Check my photo galler if you want to see more pics of the lights. I've got a few in there. PM me if you're interested :D
hey dont hate on the 3 nuts holding on the bumper!!

i will have one by the end of the day

Hey HokiBert,

Would you like to sell that bracket to me. I could realy use it. PM me if you want. Thanks, Kevin.





i will get pics at noght when i try them out

Anyone have anymore information on this? The diagram picture thing and the actual picture is kinda confusing me? Also, what is a place I could have make me these? Or perhaps.. a premade bracket thats meant for construction uses that works also??

Also, does this work fine with the old style 2nd gen bumper?

Print it out and take it to a body shop.
They'll make & install for you.

Just noticed something... Why are there two X's on the brush guard mount thing?

The diagram pic thing doesn't look like the real thing at all and doesn't look like it would even work? There's different bends in the actual one..


The diagram pic thing doesn't look like the real thing at all and doesn't look like it would even work? There's different bends in the actual one..
Which I just noticed. Used the diagram and some 1/4 x 1 1/2 cold steel and made those yesterday, Kind of sucks.

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