Burning Rubber Smell | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Burning Rubber Smell

July 1, 2021
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2002 Explorer XLS
I have a 2002 Explorer XLS. I’m getting a burning rubber smell when engine is running. I've looked everywhere in the engine compartment but don't see smoke. I’m thinking it’s coming from somewhere else. Anyone have a suggestion or solution?

I smell burning rubber everytime I sit on the Toilet..

I have a 2002 Explorer XLS. I’m getting a burning rubber smell when engine is running. I've looked everywhere in the engine compartment but don't see smoke. I’m thinking it’s coming from somewhere else. Anyone have a suggestion or solution?
Does it do it when just sitting cold in the early morning idling. Or does it only do it when driving.

That's usually from the serpentine belt. You may have a pulley bearing going out or one of your serpentine driven accessories going out.
