Buying a used Ranger. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buying a used Ranger.


New Member
December 26, 2008
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I will be looking at 2005 4 cyl automatic Ranger tomorrow.
Does anyone have any tips on what I should look for during an inspection to purchase this used vehicle?

it's a 2.3 ltr 4 cyl with automatic trans, 2 wheel drive, 155,000 kms,

looks like it was a trade in at the local ford dealership.

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...Check the axle code on the door sticker...I take it it is a 2.3L..Is it 2wd or 4wd??? ...Can you get a CARFAX report or any previous info on it???...What State are you and the vehicle located in???

...Answer these questions and you may get more responses..;)

it's a 2.3 ltr 4 cyl with automatic trans, 2 wheel drive, 155,000 kms,

looks like it was a trade in at the local ford dealership.

...I'm going to take a guess and say you are in Canada, eh???

...You might want to remove the vin from your post for others may not be as friendly on the internet and use it for their own..;)

...A vin search from Ford didn't turn up anything that you didn't already know except maybe the fact of where it was made...TWIN CITIES: ST. PAUL, MN ...

...The 2.3 is a great motor and hopefully your axle code will show you have decent gearing for what you want to use it for...

yes, after 30 years of living in the states I am now back in canada, who would have thought, eh (just learning to use that). I am off to check out this vehicle, maybe I'll be a ford owner again. I used to drive f-150's but gas is so expensive here they sell it by the quart and call them liters.

thanks for your replies

took a look at it today. it had a break in, $1000 in repairs done , needs breaks front and rear, rotors front, need both sides upper and lower ball joints, right side sway bar link broken, transmission output seal leaking, needs transmission service( dirty oil), has paint damage from camper shell and a cracked windshield.

what do you figure all that will cost and has this vehicle been abused?

...Are you sayig it was broke into and they already paid $1000 (U.S.) to have t fixed plus it needs those other items fixed????

...How much are they asking, (U.S. amount)???

the break in is the only insurance claim on this vehicle, repairs where already done. the rest of the work is still needed. the dealership offered the vehicle to me for $2100. canadian plus lot fee, documentaion and taxes comes out to $2700. canadian or $2200. US dollars. I estimate it needs another $2500. in repairs. Seems it has not been taken care of and may need more work down the road.

...The reason I asked is I did a local search last night...You didn't say if it was standard cab, shortbed, 2 door,XL package...:dunno:

...I priced it as I just mentioned and locally with 100,000 mi. on it car lots had them at $3995-$4995 with the motor and tranny you mentioned for low price, and from $7995 and up for High price, low milage...

...From there it went up to $14,995 for extra cab,long bed,4 door, w/ 4.0..

...Just my thinking but I would pass it by as it does not sound like it's been maintained and you will be the one to pay the price...That is unless, your wanting to take on a project for the cheap price they are selling it for...:dunno:

...Can you pay for any warranties and will it pass all inspections???...:scratch:

I think I'll take your adviced and pass this one up. I don't want to buy some one else's problems. Not too many used ones up here in Vancouver, BC. I'll just take my time a wait for a good one to come up for sale. If I could I would cross the boarder and get one from the States, unfortunetly I have burned that bridge.

Thanks for all your leg work :salute:

...Good Luck on finding a Ranger...They are gret trucks and I love mine...:biggthump

good luck finding a ranger
