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Buzzing noise from turn stalk


November 7, 2000
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City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Explorer Sport
OK folks, I've got another one of my strange intermittent electrical problems with my '97 Sport.

Occasionally (but happening more and more often), I get a loud buzzing noise from the dash (I think it's from the dash) when I engage the right turn signal. It's LOUD -- loud enough to startle me to drop the turn stalk. When I reengage the signal, the sound has disappeared. Never had any problems with the signals themselves, and I can't reproduce the problem when sitting in my driveway in order to track down the source of the buzzing.

Problem one: the damn noise is gonna cause me to have an accident. Problem two: I'm wondering if this is a precursor to a serious problem.

Any ideas?

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Mine makes the same noise, but it does it intermittently. Someone around here speculated that it would eventually cause an electrical fire, I hope not :rolleyes:

JLM and Jason, I to have the turn stalk "buzz" problem. I replaced the flasher because for me it all started this summer while towing the boat. This did NOT fix the problem and the Ford Dealer would NOT accept a return of the $30 flasher ($30 is very high for this part!!!). I disassembled the steering column outer covering and couldnt find any pinched or shorted wires. I have had some success in changing the "tilt" position of the steering wheel. However it is starting again....
My next thought is removing the turn signal stock and checking it over with a multi tester and visual inspection of insides. I got kind of worred working on the steering column as it forced your face to be inches away from the air bag..... that could be ugly if it misfired.... [:(]

Post any info if you find a solution.

Help! I am getting an intermittant buzzing noise when I engage the turn signal turning left. Hope some of you have found your problem as it sounds like mine is similar. Let me know. Thanks Mike

It's the multinfunction stalk. The only fix is to replace it.

Jason: Sounds like it is lower down and to the left. Does the stalk malfunction and cause something lower to make that sound? Thanks, Jason.

I thought there was thread about this way back when, like over two years ago.

A couple of years ago, my '97 was having trouble with the headlights. Turn them on, parking lights, dash dimmer works, no headlights. Turn the switch off, then back on, lights work. Did that for a few days.

Then, driving down the street at night, the steerting column area buzzed once, followed by the smell of melting plastic. I briefly flipped the lights off, then on. Everything worked. Next day, everything worked, but there was another instance of smelling melting plastic. Then, I saw the thread on this board about a fire caused by a malfunctioning mulit-switch stalk (turn signal, headlights, etc).

I took it in to the dealer the next day and had it replaced. Dealer confirmed some burning inside the switch.

I would get it replaced as soon as possible. Good luck.


No, Jason, everything works fine. It has made that buzzing noise three times over the last few days, only turning left with the blinker on. Could I have gotten water somewhere? I was really careful and thought I had covered everything. Thanks Mike

I know this is a old post, but when I did a search this is what came up and I am haveing the same problem out of my 96. When I put on right turn signal a buzzing noise is heard. Only when I turn right, it is comming from the colunm. What is this? If it is the stalk, how hard is it to replace? I would also like to see some up dates on this issue from the guys that posted this.


Mine turned out to be the multi-funtion switch in the column and a flasher. Seems like everything was about $90. Thought about trying to do it myself but one can never tell about electricial parts...Mike

Sam: I had the dealer do it. Did not take them long. Mike

Mine is doing the same thing, but only with the left turn signal. It is getting worse day by day. Being an electrical engineer, it sounds like the contacts in the turn signal stalk are failing (both the right and the left are making at the same time, plays hell on the relay below the dash). I'm going to tear it out and see if I can repair it.

Let you guys know if I have any luck!

I have the same problem, only my blinkers do not work when I get the buzzing sound. Replacing the flasher did not work. I get the "buzz" (similar to that old game called "Operation") and my blinkers do not work almost 50% of the that I use my signals now.

So is it the stalk or a switch under the sterring wheel that wasd the culprit with you guys?

Originally posted by MikeTEC
Sam: I had the dealer do it. Did not take them long. Mike

They get really fast when they do the same job over and over again.;)

Mine also has the intermittent buzzing noise. I believe it is when signaling left turn (or maybe both - it hasn't done it for awhile).

I'm ignoring it for now, cause everything else is working ok.

It is in fact the turn signal stalk. It'll take you about an hour...

  1. Remove the steering column cowling (4 screws)
  2. Remove the turn signal stalk (2 screws, 2 electrical connectors)
  3. On a clean table, disasemble the stalk (@5 screws)
  4. Clean the contacts with some wd-40
  5. LIGHTLY sand the contacts
  6. Re-assemble

    I sanded mine a little too much and the turn signal feels a little harder to press. But I don't have any problems!

    Good Luck!

OK, I've got the same buzzing problem (only when turning right), so I decided to take out the turn signal stalk and clean the contacts as suggested. Unfortunately, I could not get the top plastic cover to the steering column off. I took off the tilt bar, got the lower cover off and removed the ignition cylinder, but the top cover won't come off b/c the key lock switch gets in the way. I think that the tilt steering itself may also be causing a problem, as the plastic cover seems to be really jammed tightly in there.

Anyone know how to get this stupid cover off? It's a 96 Sport with tilt steering and standard trans, so no gear selecter on the wheel. I really don't want to have to take it to the dealer to have them take the steering wheel off, becuase I don't feel like paying a few hundred dolalrs just to have a turn signal problem fixed.

I also have this problem. The one thing that I was able to verify was that when I flipped the turn signal up (Right Turn) real hard, then I would get the buzzing sound. However, when I flipped it up buzzing. (96 XLT)

i've had this before. i've had this with other vehicles too.. not just the explorer.
it seemed there was a pattern if you didn't hit the stalk all the way so it stays on until you turn hard enough.. like if you want to just do like 3 blinks.. you just hold the lever down a bit.. if you let go and redo it perfectly between a blink.. it does this. i could be nuts.. but after a few.. i noticed it was always when i was pulling the lever again in the middle of its operation. i could do this on my old honda accord too.

I actually think it has something to do with the outside temperature. When it was cold out it was making the noise every single time i flipped the switch. Now that it doesn't get below freezing at night it hasn't done it in about a month.

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Mine was doing the buzzing since last summer and the wiper control was starting to go nuts. I put it off for the same reason someone else had, not wanting to tear apart the column. Well, I broke down today and picked one up and it took only about a 1/2hr even w/ my nearly 3yr old helper.

As the commercial says, "Just do it!"
