Camping Recipes - Post them here | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Camping Recipes - Post them here


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March 4, 2007
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...Got any simple or fancy camping recipes you would like to share? This is the place...

..I try to do some online recipe searches before a camping trip to find something new and exciting depending on the nature of the trip..

...Sometimes I am looking for the hard to find, easy solutions for meals when you don't have a fridge on the trip..

..Other times it is spent searching for recipes that are quick and easy with protein and carbs or something fancy...

..You can post anything you want related to camp cooking and recipes here...:salute:

..Here is a somewhat medium recipe I like as in the summer a good little salad works out great when it's hot...And I like my Cottage Cheese too..

Pasta Salad..

2 cups pasta (macaroni shells, seashell pasta, etc.) cooked, drained
1 cup veggies (veg-all, broccoli, cauliflower, something with a crunch and healthy)
2 cups Cottage Cheese
1/2 cup Ranch Dressing

Mix veggies and pasta together
add cottage cheese and ranch, toss

I like to add these before adding the salad dressing
Top with grated sharp cheese, croutons or bacon bits, cherry tomatoes, raisins, or even strawberries...

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Fudge stripe cookies

If you dont know how to make them, then you shouldnt be camping! :D

..You forgot hot dogs..:p:

Grilled Portabellas. A vegetarians steak dinner.

Get the biggest caps you can find. :D

Place the caps upside down on a large square of tinfoil.

Place a few pads of real butter or drizzle EVOO on them. (just on the underside of the cap section)

Sprinkle with either garlic powder, or fresh minced garlic.

A pinch of chopped parsley is nice, but not needed.

Wrap them good and tight and throw them on the grill (solid side down so as not to spill the oils/butter) set at low/med heat but not directly over flames/heat source. Cook for 20-30 mins.

Unwrap, and top with diced tomato & feta cheese, or eat as is. Slice them like a steak, because thats what they are going to taste like :)

sounds yummy im subed to this one. ill come up with some hobo recipies soon enough

i like the last recipe a lot. one that i like to do for camping is before i take off camping, ill buy a pork tenderloin, throw it in a big zip lock bag (a sterile garbage bag if the cut is large enough) throw a cup of vinegar, squeeze a couple lemons, a couple tablespoos of kosher salt, 1 teaspoon of chilli powder, 1 teaspoon of ground pepper, 1 teaspoon of thyme, a couple swigs of tabasco sauce, a half cup of apple juice, or any citrus juice and, squeeze all the air out and seal the bag. double bag it, toss it in the cooler, and when you set up shop, throw that baby on the grill and cook it through. it will practically cook itself, low heat anf more time if you have the time to cook it that way, minimal effort or attention needed, just cook it well through. that thing will feed a whole gang. another tip for making anything you cook better is to take an 8 hour hike through the mountains. by the time you get back to camp, a shoe will taste like filet mignon.

Put an unopened can of baked beans into a fire and wait for it to explode, have fun catching your dinner in your mouth as it rains down from the sky:D

I signed in to post this same thing. :thumbsup:

Chorizo, Potato, Onion and Egg Burritos

As the title says...

This is a very simple, very good breakfast. Vary the amounts by the number of people you want to feed. Seasonings and spices can be added, if wanted. (Chorizo is usually spiced well.) This can be made in one pan (takes a little longer,) or two pans. Cooking times are approximate - you'll know when it's ready!

Dice potatoes into small, thin pieces (so it cooks faster.) Throw those into a skillet with a little EVOO on medium+ heat. Let them cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Dice an onion. Toss it in the pan with the potatoes. Let the mix cook another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Open a package of your favorite chorizo. Put it in a skillet, medium+ heat. Cook out a lot of the fat, and let it brown. Drain the fat. (If you only have one pan, remove the potato and onion mix, and use that pan to cook the chorizo.)

Combine the potato and onion mix with the chorizo. (If you are using one pan, cook until the potatoes and onion are hot again.) Mix thoroughly.

In a separate bowl, scramble some eggs. Pour the egg mixture into the chorizo mixture, and stir/mix. A couple of minutes should be enough to cook the eggs.

Spoon into tortillas, and enjoy!

..Those Portabella's are sounding pretty good right about now..:D

i remember my boy in prison would wad up toilet paper light it on fire and with extra bread and cheese slices from his lunch he would make a grilled cheese sandwich on his bench in his cell but he would have to plug the air vents so it wouldnt trip the smoke detector

Here's one for doing a turkey (or any bird) over an open fire.

Here is a turkey recipe that also includes the use of popcorn as a stuffing -- imagine that. When I found this recipe, I thought it was perfect for people like me, who just are not sure how to tell when poultry is thoroughly cooked, but not dried out. Give this a try.

8 - 15 lb. turkey
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing ( Pepperidge Farm is Good.)
1 cup uncooked popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S LOW FAT)
Salt/pepper to taste

Start a camp fire somewhere that you can hang the bird over the fire to cook it.

Get the campfire nice and hot. Melt the butter over the campfire in a pan. Brush turkey well with melted butter salt, and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn and make sure the neck is sealed tightly.

Hang the turkey over the campfire with the neck facing away from the fire.

Listen for the popping sounds. When the popcorn explodes out the turkey's ass and launches it over to the neighbor's campsite, it's done.

...:scratch:..I'm not sure that I ever heard of adding popcorn to the mix but might be worth a try and I am totally relying on you to be an honest man on this recipe ..:D

...For turkeys, I like to add whole jalapeno's to the stuffing...:biggthump

I used to make this alot when camping but I haven't done it in a while. I called it a foil dinner. You need:

2 ~12"x12" sheets of foil
hamburger meat

Combine hamburger meat with seasonings (salt, pepper, etc) and a little bit of ketchup (to keep meat moist). Roll into a ball or fat patty and place centered on foil. Cut carrots, potato, pepper and onion into small pieces and place on top of and around hamburger meat. Roll up foil to cover the meal. Use 2nd sheet for extra layer, make sure to fold it opposite of the first one so nothing leaks out. Place on bed of coals until you think its done, rotating/flipping occasionally.

I sometimes grill steaks when camping and when I do I like to throw a potato in the fire to go with it. Take a baking potato and make several slices 2/3 to 3/4 through it. Stuff with onion and then wrap a slice or 2 of bacon around it. Roll it up in foil and place on fire coals. Rotate occasionally.


