Can you put a 2wd engine in a 4wd? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you put a 2wd engine in a 4wd?


December 24, 2007
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City, State
Greenville, SC
Hello again. I was the one asking help with a harness for a 97 4.0L SOHC AWD with a missing engine. I bought this 97 without a engine (alas no harness) and bought a 98 4.0L SOHC engine from a 2wd and installed it. Had problems of not starting and thought the 98 engine harness was the problem. I was told by a salvage yard that a 2wd engine will not work in a 4wd or AWD body. Is this true? Help anyone.

the enigne doesn't know what it's in and it doesn't care. your problem will be wiring.

Are there any sensors missing in the 98 2wd engine, or is it just the wiring harness that needs to match the 97 body?

What's the motor not doing? Is it getting fuel? Spark? I'd retitle my thread to state that you are putting a 98 motor in a 97 truck. My guess is that is your problem.
