Cape Cod Beach Run: August 27th and 28th | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cape Cod Beach Run: August 27th and 28th


We should both pose together wearing those! We could make so much money with our Don Juan Looks.

Also for the people who did not know. We got kicked out of the store after that stunt that Jonh & Aaron pulled. The guy was made that we were takeing pictures of his merchandise.

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Fordexplorer157 said:
Here is a video I forgot to post. Its from my friend and I driveing back to Vermont. We wanted to drive through Boston. It cut an hour off our time! Probably because we left around 10 pm. Well we did a little film of us driveing through the subway. Enjoy

Click here to watch subway10
Slowpoke! You got passed on the RIGHT, you woodchuck!! :D

izackary said:
Slowpoke! You got passed on the RIGHT, you woodchuck!! :D

LOL :D Be nice now Ike

Great pics John, especially the one of Aaron and Matt ;) That pic is hilarious :D

There's more... While we were strolling trough the heart of P-Town we come across this guy being questioned by the local 5.0... He was only wearing underwear with little fire truck pictures on them and the local L.E was performing a quick assessment to see if he was mentally ok. He told the officer he was perfectly fine, and that he considered his clothing selection to be shorts rather than underwear. :rolleyes: He was free to go. A short distance later we saw the exact same underwear in a store front window (front & center of pictured below)..

Don't be sssuch a homophobe. :p

DeRocha said:
There's more... While we were strolling trough the heart of P-Town we come across this guy being questioned by the local 5.0... He was only wearing underwear with little fire truck pictures on them and the local L.E was performing a quick assessment to see if he was mentally ok. He told the officer he was perfectly fine, and that he considered his clothing selection to be shorts rather than underwear. :rolleyes: He was free to go. A short distance later we saw the exact same underwear in a store front window (front & center of pictured below)..

LOL...Damn I missed alot not coming on that trip. I already made it clear to my daughter, Jessica........NO MORE SATURDAY CLASSES!! Otherwise how do I get to have fun when the club has a run.:D BTW if I had seen this guy, I probably would have laughed so hard, the police would have wondered if I was mentally OK :D

John, you have a beautiful family, I hope they will come to next year's Jamboree, I'm looking forward to meeting them, and since you posted pics of your kids, I'll post pics of mine. The youngest will be coming with me next year as I'm getting a newer truck with my income tax and will be making the drive to Vermont myself.

This first pic is of me and my daughter Jeannette. She was a flower girl for the children's ministry director at our church, and this pic was taken as we were getting ready to leave for the church.


This next picture is my oldest daughter Jessica (damn, hard to believe she will be 21 next March). I took this before she was getting ready to go out.


