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CB communications


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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Kelso, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
i know im not new but i dont know where to put this. i have a 9' buggy whip style CB antenna for my CB and i dont get **** for range on it. what antennas would you recomend to get the best range. remember im not rich. other componets that would help are nice. thanks yall :D

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Check www.firestik.com and read thru their recommendations. Sometimes your antenna just needs to be 'tuned'. Could also be connectors, improper length of cable etc. Might be worth it before you shell out for something else.

im going to have to get a new antenna but i just dont know what style/kind is best but wont take my whole paycheck to afford.

What sort of Radio I.E UHF, VHF, 27Mhz or HF. Also what sort of terrane are you going to be operating in? That is more a concern if the radio is UHF.

ill check the kind later but its a 40 channel wal-mart one. it is mainly used for trail conditions

Wilson are the best IMO thats all everyone i know runs and we run from stock watts up to 1000 watts w/ liniears w/ wilsons.


can someone bumb that last one down a little. i know nothing about cb's
