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Changing Dash Light Color...

I know a few of you guys have put in white dash gauges. In the process you've put in colored bulbs to change the color of the lights. Is it possible to just put in new bulbs, leaving the black gauges? Is that possible, or do the black gauges create the amber color?

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Mainframe, to the best of my knowledge, the color that you see is in the gauge faces, not the bulbs. When I changed to my white faces, all the bulbs behind them were clear. I don't know of anyone that makes aftermarket faces that are a different color. NRAuto makes them to match the stock colors.

I'm sure by putting a different colored bulb in there the guage would have a different color.. just probablly not the one of the bulb you put in.. I've wondered this question myself.. I really prefer the blue green light that the '95-'97 have over the solid green of the '98 and above. its.. I dunno, sickly..

Jack's right, the Green color is built into the gauges. And I wouldn't bother with changing the color of the bulbs it will just make the gauges a different shade of green. I've tried.

oh, well that sucks.. theres always white faced guages if you really want a different look..

does anyone make those "indiglo" gauges like the ricers have for us?

I wish !!! :(

don't white face guages light up like that? (I personally find it disturbing, but w/e ;) )

Man, I love that electroluminscent instrument clusters!! One of my friend's dad has a Chrysler 300M and the clusters look awesome at night!!!! I want them in my Explorer but I guess I'm gonna have to wait. :(

DarkFox, the white faces light up like your stock gauges at night. The luminescent ones would look pretty cool in the explorer. I'm definitley in if someone starts making them.

'96.. a company called dakota digital makes digital dashes for older model cars.. they say "send us your dash and we'll make a custom one for you" on their ads.. I'm sure if you sent them an explorer dash, for about $500, you could have a digital one in yours...

Originally posted by DarkFox1
'96.. a company called dakota digital makes digital dashes for older model cars.. they say "send us your dash and we'll make a custom one for you" on their ads.. I'm sure if you sent them an explorer dash, for about $500, you could have a digital one in yours...

I'm sorry I used such a big word. It's basically one of those indiglo dashes. Here's a link to show you what it looks like Dead Link Removed. This picture doesn't show it at night, but it's awesome at night!!

ok.. so I'm not used to such big words... call me simple if you like :p (no seriously, please don't) I thought you meant a digital display like the '96 towncar has.. I've never seen a 300M dash.. well, up till that link

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