Changing Front Speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing Front Speakers


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
How do i remove the front speakers (in the door panels) they are crackling and i got a set of speakers to replace them, when i can find out how.

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i wasnt sure how to take off panels, in my car they are screw on panels, i didnt see no screws, so i didnt wanna just break it, know what i mean.

U mean theres no screws on the actual speaker covers right??

There should be two screws under the door handle. Unscrew those and then u have to loosen clips all around the door by pulling/popping them out of their respective holes. Thats how it is on my newer model, I would think its the same don't quote me on that but u could def. try

two by the door handle and one by the mirror

Hey BP is that the stock paint on your ride???? Looks nice....

the door panels are a little iirritating to remove, they are held in by the plastic brackets that u have to pull out so once you get all of the screws out its still gonna b pretty secure, just pry it lose from the bottom and work ur way around all the sides.

2 things to bear in mind
1) make sure that you put some weather stripping around the contact area between the metal door and the speaker to reduce buzzing and make sure the screws are TIGHT
2) TEST it before you put the doors back on, the wiring in mine was different colors than all the references said for EVERY step of the stereo wiring process -_-. Make sure you hook the - and + wired to the correct part of the speaker otherwise they will be out of sync and sound funny.

Hey BP is that the stock paint on your ride???? Looks nice....

Yeah, its stock. That was about 3 years ago though. I haven't been able to keep it looking that good. The hood needs to be repainted now and most of the hard plastic has faded. That picture was taken after I paid a guy to clean it up. He waxed and buffed in his garage for about 3 hours.

Hey I got them changed, thanks for the help! I ended up cutting a hole in the grilles and installed component kits. Thanks again for the tips!
