Changing Glove Compartment Lock | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing Glove Compartment Lock

Jon M

Well-Known Member
January 12, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Mount Pleasant, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer XLT
I saw this asked somewhere, and I need to replace mine, so I figured I'd write it up.

This "skin" is glued onto the glove compartment assembly.


Pry it off. I'm going to try using the heat gun on the other one, to see if it will be easier. Regardless, the handle must be wedged up, so that the two arms that hold it closed are retracted, or you WILL break them.


Once you have the "skin" removed, you can remove the two phillips head screws to remove the latch assembly. If you need to remove the trim at the top, silver in the picture above, you can remove the four torx screws.

Here's the latch, removed.

So, you're not changing the lock cylinder, but the whole latch assembly.

Be careful what you're prying on, as the outer skin is softer and doesn't take it well. That's why I'm going to try heating the other one.

I'm going to just use standard super glue to put it back together. That will be interesting. I'm probably going to have to tape it well to hold it on while the glue dries. There are no screws, or tabs, or anything else holding it in place.

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Were you able to see how the cylinder was removed from the latch, I have a factory replacement cylinder, I have to assume there must be a way otherwise it would be sold as integral to the latch

Were you able to see how the cylinder was removed from the latch, I have a factory replacement cylinder, I have to assume there must be a way otherwise it would be sold as integral to the latch

It looks like there's a retaining clip that would slide out with it in the locked position, but I'm not positive. I tried removing it from the one I don't have the key for, in the unlocked position, and it could probably be forced out, but it would bend in the process. It's silver, so it's easy to see.

Did you have better results with your 2nd door by heating it first?

Did you have better results with your 2nd door by heating it first?

I actually haven't done it yet. It's on a long to do list.

I gave this a go a while back and then realized the lock cylinder just has a tiny silver push button push it in with a flat blade screwdriver and it pops right out. Just an fyi

@Jon M I have to replace that top trim piece. How hard was it to separate the "skin"?

I tried to pry the trim piece off and it started to crack, found your thread and now I know what to do.

Did you use a heat gun? Did it go back together easily?

