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Changing PTU Fluid

I'm on my 3rd flush in 3 months using Redline fluid, and going to keep doing it till I can see thru the fluid. I used a vacuum brake bleeder and a small flexible hose to remove the old fluid and used those Mity-Vac kits with the little reservoir to push the fluid back in, took about 30 min total this way. The temp on the side of the PTU was about 125Celcius with a non contact laser temp gun which was still under the flash point of the Redline oil but was getting close, the temp of the transmission was slightly less.

Friend works for Ford and police models with the external cooling fail often also and its a common problem. Mine has the tow package cooling duct under the front facia so it does help to blow the hot catalytic air away as well as cool the PTU, if I was idling for prolonged periods I would probably wrap the rear cat with header wrap.

There has been talk by that synthetic fluid will void warranty on their high pinion differentials because synthetic fluid runs cooler but does not pull the heat away from the gears as well as non synthetic from what I remember if someone wants to confirm.

Is the fluid running low then the gears/bearings burn up or are the gears/bearings burning up with dirty fluid? Other manufacturers have a similar setup but they don't burn up the fluid like this design, the one thing I noticed is how high the output shaft pinion gear is above the oil level. Can someone please send a link to oil analysis results of their PTU I'm really curious to what they have to say and their recomendations:confused::scratch: and would be REALLY useful.

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PTU fluid change

hey guys I know there are multiple opinions on the ptu fluid change some people say leave it alone some people say change I saw this link take at it and let me know what you guys think ...

hey guys I know there are multiple opinions on the ptu fluid change some people say leave it alone some people say change I saw this link take at it and let me know what you guys think ...

That actually looks pretty good. I'll have to try the vent hose!

With the failures Ford has had with this unit, I can't see how changing the fluid WOULDN'T be beneficial!

Thank you for the link!

so I would say if the powertrain warranty is 5 years or 60K - at either mark I'd be changing the PTU fluid. Now I've not looked it up but that is the ford spec for such - I bet it is something fairly uncommon. IE I'm sure it's not just straight 80-120 or such.

After that - I bet it is meant to require removal of the exhaust and the turbo oil line - just to piss off the average home mechanic.

and that is also why they say it's lubed for life - I see that's becoming a commong bean counter engineering solution to things. I've read where on paper for warranty concerns it does lessen the overhead to make things unserviceable.

As far as getting the fluid in I would use a hand suction pump that I cleaned out first.

I bet it is something fairly uncommon. IE I'm sure it's not just straight 80-120 or such.

See my write up in link above.

It's 75W-140 and its relatively easy to change.

See my write up in link above.

It's 75W-140 and its relatively easy to change.
with or without friction modifers?

The Transmission fluid is good for 150k miles. Also, I believe the PTU fluid is a lifetime fluid and does not require changing. Still trying to verify that.
From the Owner's Guide;
Normal vehicle axle maintenance:
Rear axles and power take-off units with synthetic fluid and light-duty trucks equipped with
Ford-design axles are lubricated for life; do not check or change fluid
unless a leak is suspected, service is required or the assembly has been
submerged in water.

It is supposed to be a lifetime fluid however, Ford has started to add drain plugs into the replacement rear ptu’s

"rear ptu's"? There is only one PTU. :)

Correct I was simply implying due to the fluid breaking down prematurely most people I know change it every 30,000 miles to ensure the fluid doesn’t spew out the vent hose and get black and thick like tar. If you check out some videos on YouTube you’ll see why it should be changed.

I followed this procedure from a former Ford Tech and it went very smoothly.

Procedure for newer cooled PTU's

He also has a few videos on why the PTU's fail and it's necessary to change the fluid.

Peter - I tried to post the links using Ctrl+K, but it kept coming up as media rather than simple links. Fix if you wish or delete if this was covered in another thread that is more active.

