changing the cooling fan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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changing the cooling fan


September 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Mexico Beach FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
I must change the cooling fan on my 92 4.0L OVH because it has serious cracks after 215,000 miles. The haynes manual specifies a special tool for removal from the pulley, but that isn't available to me. Does anyone know of an alternate method to get the old fan off?

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I remember trying to use a strap wrench or whatever I could think of to get the fan clutch off of the pulley. Ended up "borrowing" the correct tool from Autozone. Many parts places will borrow specialty tools, such as the Ford fan clutch wrench. You pay a deposit, and get your money back when the tool is returned. I'm sure you could eventually figure out a way to get it off, but I would say it would be worth the effort to check around and see if you can't come across the right tool. It will make the job a lot easier.

I just had my fan replaced in my 91 x; unfortunately you must use the tool that is required to replace the fan.

I found a large crescent wrench at sears. Downside is it cost about $25-$30, but it did the trick.

If you have an air compressor and don't mind buying more tools, they sell a kit that goes into your air hammer to take off cooling fans.

You can also go to Autozone or some other chain store and borrow/rent (put deposit down and get it back when you return the tool).

the 3rd option is to use a strap wrench to hold the pulley still...

the air hammer tool is the best option, then its a tie between the strap wrench and the rented fan clutch tool. I don't like the fan clutch tool (rented) since it is used and usually doesn't fit as well as it did new. I got the one i rented to work by using my sledge to change the size of the wrench.. (made it smaller)...

BTW.. just about every first gen X has cracks in the fan. If they are around the hub, it MAY not be as bad as you think. It is metal there, and the plastic does crack. Our has been cracked for over 130k miles. The only reason I'm going to replace ours is that I killed the motor mounts which let the fan hit the shroud. Now the fan blades are different lengths and out of balance. I'm sure the water pump doesn't like that.


The special tools required to remove the fan were not available in the small town where I live. I tried several methods for releasing the fan, but to no avail--it was just too tight.
I gave up and took it to the mechanic across the street. He appreciated the work, said he's been slow all week. One hour later it was finished, charge: $35. Cheaper than what NAPA wanted for the removal set ($62).
Thanks to all who answered; this Explorer community we have here is a real asset for us all.
