Changing tranny, should I replace rear main seal too? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing tranny, should I replace rear main seal too?


Elite Explorer
October 28, 2014
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2004 Mountaineer (AWD V8)
My Mounty has 252k, and while it's still moving, the transmission needs to be replaced. I'm planning on getting a Ford Reman.

My transmission shop has high ratings and I trust his advice, and he advised leaving the rear main seal as is (not replacing it), since it's not leaking at all.

He said replacing the rear main seal could be problematic and actually cause leaks ... grooves being worn in and stuff like that.

So my question is: at 252k, while the tranny is out, should the rear main seal be replaced?

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If it ant broke,.........

If you do redo your timing you are smart

The transmission shop is spot on with the recommendation of leaving the seal as is. With the mileage that high thing will wear together as tolerance changes. Example would be as the main bearings wear the crankshaft will move off center line and as that is happening the seal will follow. A new seal would not conform to the wear and stand a good chance of leaking.
@swshawaii I believe the OP was referring to a Ford Remanufactured Transmission not short block.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice. I'll be leaving the seal as it is.

It should be replaced , if there is a groove around the crank , it'll be slight , a new softer seal will conform. With All the heat cycles that original seal has taken could leave it ready to split.

If you're going to take the advice of "if it ain't broke" then leave the seal and leave the timing set. Don't get me going on rod and main bearings , oil pump.. so cheap and easy now. Absolutely not trying to make problems, just my opinion

I know it's an older post, could still help
