Cheapest place for oem direct fit cats? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cheapest place for oem direct fit cats?


Well-Known Member
December 24, 2002
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City, State
Hutchinson, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Ranger 4.0 4x4
I've been having problems with my Sport for a few weeks now, and the diagnosis seems that I have clogged cats, even though Ford assured me that it would throw a cel if they were, a shop that just had it says they think they are, although this hasn't been confirmed yet.

I've been looking around for replacement cats...and after seeing the prices that dealers want, and even places like Advance Auto Parts want ($300+ each) I had planned to just buy two aftermarket high flows and have them welded into my stock downpipes. I call Meineke yesterday, and they refused to do that for me, unless I bought the cats there...even if I brought the receipt showing the cats would be for my application, and they wanted about $700....

So I decided that maybe I'll just go with a direct fit, even though it's still going to be a lot of money.

Does anybody know where the cheapest place is for direct fit cats? The cheapest I've found so far has been $205 for each cat, with free shipping from an online store. A couple other places were around that too, but as high as about $215+ shipping, and then of course a few places that are right up there with the dealers.

Is there anybody cheaper than $205? I'm gonna buy them if not, and as soon as I confirm that mine are bad. It hasn't run right about 3 weeks, I need it back on the road. :(

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I'd highly recommend going for the high flows. Why spend double the money for less performance? I had the same issue with Meineke, they wouldn't put on my high flow unless I bought it from them. It's rediculous. They refuse the chance to make money just because they're not selling the product. You can get some high flow Magnaflows off eBay for about ~$60 each, and you can have them put in at a custom exhaust shop or some place like Midas (I know they'll do it).

i bought mine for $180 w/ free s&h. direct oem. but i really cant remember. just keep searching.

Did you need them, how was yours running that made you get new ones? I am still not sure if this is my problem yet.

Summit Racing. Call them. Get the Catco brand. they're cheap and good enough. If you geta universal fit and have it installed by a shop you will have the best results. the trouble is you have 3 cats on there. you only need one. Loose the two pre cats and you will save money, weight, gas, and get some power too. you will still be able to pass inspection in most states. Not in Cali.

Actually I only have two main cats. I have a SOHC engine, they have a different set-up. One cat in each downpipe.

i didnt need mine. i bottomed my car out in a parking lot and smashed the cat closest to the driver side, and my check engine light went on. i changed the cat, and it stayed on. i felt like an idiot, all i had to do was change a $40 02 sensor on the passenger(it got smashed up too)
