Check gauge light stays on for 2 minutes. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check gauge light stays on for 2 minutes.


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January 16, 2018
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2001 Ford explorer
I have a 2001 ford explorer sport suv with 55,000 miles on it. I had my check engine light serviced and a tune up and it was expensive!! Just recently I noticed that when I start the engine, the "Check Gauge" light stays on for 2 minutes before going off. Also my needle for the oil pressure stays at L until the check gauge lights goes off. I have checked the oil and it is clean and full. No noise coming from under the hood either. Do you know if it might be a sensor that is going out and needs replacement?

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If you rev it up a little does it go out? I’d assume the pressure is actually alright. The gauge is just an analog idiot light. If the pressure is above a nominal amount, like 5 pounds, it reads normal. If you had less I assume you’d hear it. Most likely it’s the sending unit like you suspected. I’d still want to fix it, or check will a real gauge.

Oh, and welcome to the site!

If you rev it up a little does it go out? I’d assume the pressure is actually alright. The gauge is just an analog idiot light. If the pressure is above a nominal amount, like 5 pounds, it reads normal. If you had less I assume you’d hear it. Most likely it’s the sending unit like you suspected. I’d still want to fix it, or check will a real gauge.

Oh, and welcome to the site!

I reved it up a little this morning and it was still on. I noticed the needle was trying to move into the normal position, then hesitated until the check gauge light went out. Oh and thank you for your reply.

I reved it up a little this morning and it was still on. I noticed the needle was trying to move into the normal position, then hesitated until the check gauge light went out. Oh and thank you for your reply.
This morning it was colder out around 30 something degrees... anyway when I strated the engine, I reved it up to 2 on the rpm and the light went out (needle on oil gauge was back to normal position).
