Chip in Key??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chip in Key???


Active Member
August 16, 2005
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City, State
Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer XLS
Do the 99 explorers have some kind of chip in the key? i made a spare key from a store and it wont start the truck. do i need a special ford key?


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If the key you bought is a PATS key and you already have two good keys for the truck, you can program it yourself. If you don't have two good keys, you will need to take it to the dealer for programming. The instructions are in the owners manual.

There are locksmiths who can do this too. I had two keys made and programmed for less than $100 at a local locksmith. If you bought the truck used, you might consider getting them to clear the PATS memory since it can only hold 8 keys. Then you know you have all of the workin keys and can program additional keys easily and cheaply.

Yeah i just bought the truck and i only got one key so i just figured id go out and get one made and then i found out that you need both the keys for it to work so i called the guy back and he forgot to send me the other key when he sent me the title so thats a good thing. Thanks though guys i really appreciate the fast responses.


You can also have the dealership program it to not need the chip in the key!

so you don't have to buy the chiped key. LOL
