chrome under the hood? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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chrome under the hood?


February 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
okay...i have a 93 explorer with the ole 4.0 and i was looking into chroming out some things under the hood. but when i looked online for some parts i couldn't find anything. so i will put it to the explorer wiz kids to find out what bolt on parts are available in chrome and where to find them. thanks in advance. thanks for your help!

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i dont know what you're wanting exactly but im sure you can at least find some chrome valve covers & altenator......maybe a water pump.....but i wouldnt know what would have to have some very high temperature stuff if you're wanting to chrome the intake or anything like that

yeah sorry...i should have been more specific...but that was what i was looking for...but i haven't been able to find any of it...the only thing i ran across that was chrome was a master cylinder...i don't know where to start looking. i did what i thought was a pretty in depth search online. maybe i was mistaken.

I have never seen any chrome parts available for the 4.0L engine.

what about taking the parts off and painting them chrome with engine paint? it'll look pimp if you take your time

that will work too, but you must get stuff that can handle the heat...

that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea...i have done a lot of painting before and can do an excellent job...but is there paint out there that can handle the engine and texas heat?

yup there is engine enamel or exhuast stuff and that can handle a lot of heat.......

Try Go to the Ford Racing Section. They got some chrome parts.
