Cleaning the Mass Air Flow Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cleaning the Mass Air Flow Sensor


New Member
June 8, 2000
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Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
I want to clean the MAS. What would be the right product to use to clean the sensor? The reason I am asking is, I read a technical thread on this message board about different products used to clean the MAS. It was very detailed about the whys and why nots of different products. Does anyone know where this thread is?
Thanks folks.

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I would like to know the same thing

I used Pyroil Throttle Body cleaner, worked fine...Didnt ruin anything


I used ISO-Clean which is basically IPA in a can electronics cleaner
it is 100% soluble in water and fast drying

I used Gumout O2 safe carbuerator cleaner. I've also heard to use Gumout, or other brand O2 safe throttle body cleaner.

I tried out a 70mm MAS. Didn't notice any improvement. Don't waste your money. I'm sending mine back. While swapping the MAS's, I thought the OEM might be kind of dirty. It would have passed the white glove test inside the unit. Do others find this also. Were there improvements to this part that others with older trucks find theirs gunked up?

I used STP O2 safe TB and Intake cleaner. Any O2 safe TB cleaner would work. I wouldn't use plain contact cleaner if you value your $300 filament coatings....

Tekeman, seems like people with a larger MAF sensor noticed an improvement all had mod's everywhere else. Perhaps if you had a larger TB and cat-back and then added the 70mm MAF sensor you would notice something. The large MAF seems to be the last mod people make (after KKM/K&N, cat-back, chip, headers, larger TB, larger MAF, then lastly supercharger).

There's an old thread about the effect of a larger MAF with different upgrades, upgrade order, etc.
