Climate Control, 90 hot, 85 cold? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Climate Control, 90 hot, 85 cold?


Well-Known Member
January 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Limited V8 AWD
Well I checked through the site for blend door and climate control. All the problems seem to be no heat. My A/C works, heat works, just no in between.
Ford tech said its probably the door, but it just doesn't match up.
Is there a temp sensor for climate control, will take any suggestions before the dash comes out.

ps: has any one changed speedo and tach lights

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If you have the auto temp control, the sensor for the cabin temp is behind the little "vent" in the middle of the dash, just above the radio. That could be clogged, or the sensor gummed up. Usually if the blend door is shot, you will only get Cold or Hot, except for in Max A/C - you should always get cold in Max even if your blend door is stuck in the Hot position.

i had the same problem, i didnt try getting to the temp sensor, but i did change the thermostat, and beleive it or not, it fixed it.... i cant explain the damn thing, but it works, so im gonna complain

You can try resetting the controller by holding down the off and floor buttons at the same time then release them and press the automatic button. Every symbol on the display should light at the same time when it resets. Turn key to off position and then start. This fixed my heat all the time problem... maybe it'll work for your problem too.

That's a relief

Thanks for the help.
I'm going to try the reset and see what happens.
Can you just pop the little vent out?
The eng temp has always been normal, the therm controls what temp the engine gets to before it opens and cools it. Unless it is electronic w/ sensor, hey w/ Ford you would never know.

hey man, thats exactly what i thought, and it worked for me... $20 and 2 hours (5.0 is not easy to change) is better than $100 and a weekend... might be a last ditch effort for ya
