Clock Randomly Resetting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clock Randomly Resetting


Well-Known Member
July 30, 2004
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City, State
Rochester, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Sometimes when i start my explorer i see the clock on the stock stereo has been reset to 12, however I do not loose my radio station presets as I would if I had had the power disconnected. Anyone know what this might be?

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my 94 does the same thing. i would also like to know if anyone has the same problem. sorry i could not help...

I have no idea if this would help with you guys, but I know on my pioneer after market head unit, the power from the stock harness was bad. My clock would reset all the time, the presets would reset and sometimes the radio wouldnt even turn on. I just ran a new fused power from the battery and it works fine. You said only the clock resets so I am not sure if this is the case. However, the stock headunit could store the presets somehow wtihout power? Hope this helps

I'll take a stab here too. On my wife's Lexus the clock resetting thing is the the early warning signal that the battery needs to be replaced. Any chance your battery is old?

My battery is about 2 years old and is in good condition. The presets are lost when you unhook the battery (like when i washed it, and cleaned the terminals last month)
