Clutch Replacment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clutch Replacment


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April 13, 2013
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Dallas Tx
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94 ford explorer sport
Hey everyone! Im about to replace my clutch on my 94 ford explorer sport 4.0!! Thankfully I have a lift to use! Anyone have any tips or experiences that may help me out while I change the clutch today?! I appreciate it, and hope you all have a great day!!

I printed off the procedure that I found posted here. That was many years ago. It is probably a sticky now. 3 pages that I put in plastic folders, easy to follow when I was under the truck. I found that taking off the skirts made it easier to acces the bell housing bolts and for torque later. A tranny jack would be nice but you can get around it. Also that special hydraulic line disconnect is nice. But it too can be worked around.
