Cobra headers on a explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cobra headers on a explorer?


Well-Known Member
August 15, 2020
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1999 Ford Explorer xlt
Hey guys I have a couple of questions.I just picked up some headers from a 89 cobra with a 5.0 to try and get out on my explorer I’m wondering how hard it will be to get to fit with the steering shaft in the way the passenger side looks promising because my truck is ona 5inch suspension and 3inch body lift the manifolds are right in the open.I’m probably going to take it to a good exhaust shop that knows me and see if they maybe can cut them and make them work with the steering shaft in the way but I wanted to see what you’d guys opinions are on it and if anyone has done it.I’m not too worried about them not fitting because the guy I got them from just gave them to me but it would be a lot better than getting tourqe monster headers and waiting months for them plus the price is pretty high.(99 5.0 5speed 4x4 4 door)





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If the headers fit in the engine bay , the tube interfering with steering can be dented in with no power loss.
Ok good to know because I test fit them and the third exaust port is the one hitting but barley I will try and tent it in

Ok good to know because I test fit them and the third exaust port is the one hitting but barley I will try and tent it in
Your right side header is right out in the open. You still rocking AC? My right side is blocked on the back half by the heater box.

He has a body lift so his headers are more exposed

If the dent does not get you the clearance you need the steering shaft can actually be moved in the firewall a bit
I moved mine down 1.5” in my old 96 and over 1/2” for header clearance
Used a dremmel to cut the hole and made a metal plate to cover it and hold the shaft bushing in the new spot

Your right side header is right out in the open. You still rocking AC? My right side is blocked on the back half by the heater box.
Yeah my rig is on a 5 inch suspension and 3inch body lift so that gives me great access to the headers and yeah I’m still running a/c I just got a new condensar and compressor for the truck.I just finished installing a rear locker on it as well

Also what would I do with the egr?should I get a shop to weld on a bung or should I just do the egr delete on it are there any benefits of keeping it or deleting it?

Also what would I do with the egr?should I get a shop to weld on a bung or should I just do the egr delete on it are there any benefits of keeping it or deleting it?
I got a egr block off plate for the intake. Then get a cap for the manifold and weld it up. Not looking forward to taking the broken manifold off on the passenger side. Looks like a *****. Book time says like 2.5 hrs

It takes me about 4 hours to install a set of tmh as long as no bolts snap on the factory stuff
Helps to actually remove the manifolds from a hot engine or have a torch handy

Keep the egr
The tmh come with adapter for the egr tube heckni even think the last set came with a new egr tube? Can’t remember as I keep those egr tubes in stock
You may have to slightly bend it to make it fit the headers

Deleting the egr would require a computer tune

Egr is fine on these engines it is usually trouble free and actually increases mpg
