code P0452 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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code P0452


Well-Known Member
July 14, 2006
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City, State
Long Island , NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer Eddie Bauer
service engine light came on..went to autozone and thats the code they gave me..

any ideas what it could be?

def. on the slip saids
fuel tank pressure sensor condition


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Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Monitor and System

Check your gas cap.


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could it be that i need to replace it?
the light went on on thursday..i haven't had much time to go to autozone to get the code read..but since thursday i've pumped gas 2xs...

Maybe its the fuel tank pressure sensor, I wonder if theres any way of testing it. How do you know its not the cap did you try a different one? If you know any body with the same vehicle, try theirs.:p:

well the gasket/seal seems to be good
and if i do change it..its going to be OEM and they are pretty pricey so before buying one i wanna make sure

i'll find out how much the fuel tank sensor is and just replace it..see what happens

Sorry to bump this incredibly old threat but I googled my code and found this. Exact same issue, my engine light came on, I went to AutoZone, and they told me it was a P0452. (98 sport SOHC) However, the part that they brought up was a fuel pressure thing, which then took them to a "nonservicable" fuel filter, which they then couldn't look up. Tomorrow I'm giving the printout to my mechanic friend so he can have the code, and I'll be asking him to fix the car, is there anything I may want to tell him since AutoZone was basically "I dunno lol have fun"?

Oh wait... this is in the 3rd generation thread, and mine is a 1998. I uh, I'll just make a thread over there.
