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Coil Spring Question


October 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
:exp:Does anyone know if the V8 '02 XLT 4X2 4DR with the Trailering Package has higher rate (stiffer) springs, front and rear, than the '02 without the Trailering package? Mine rides like a steel bar and is really uncomfortable to the wife. When I bought this '02 (new) I did use it one time to tow a Land Rover from El Paso to Dallas; but, other than that the only thing I've towed is a little 4x8 riding mower trailer in 57k miles. I need to soften up the ride and I thought changing the springs and struts would give me what I'm looking for. Did the v8's and the v6's use the same springs? A friend has an '02 v6 and his rides like a dream. BTW I just replaced the tires with Contitrac's and I feel a little more cush to the ride but not enough to make a great difference. Any info would be helpful.

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Hey there! So you went from OEM struts to what?

As of now, I havn't changed anything. It still is box stock, like I got it. I just thought softer springs and struts would = a softer ride. Just had the front aligned and checked the springs and none are broken, just stiff.

Ah, I see... Well Monroe has excellent struts. I wouldn't change the springs. If you have stock tires, ask about Monroe struts. I had the Reflex on my 03, and they are much softer than stock, but because I have larger tires, it didn't work out for the front end, but with stock tires, Monroes would be great... Your new tires are stock size?
