Coilover conversion on IFS, Advantage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coilover conversion on IFS, Advantage


April 29, 2006
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2001 SPORT
Ok, I have seen the post for this and would like to know what is it you are gaining by doing this? Is it just ride quality? wheel travel? if so dose anyone have the total travel that has been gained? I have taken my IFS to the max the way it is, I run 35's and the only thing I need more of is wheel travel.I spaced the upper shock mount 1" down and trimmed the bump stop to gain about 1" more compression travel.Ant info would be helpful. Thanks

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Running them does nothing more than loose the bars and everything that goes with them. Im sure the ride quality would be better because any sort of coilover thats set up right will yeild a better ride. The only thing that i cant answer is if it will yeild more lift for wheel travel since you did not say if you have a 2WD or 4WD truck. Assuming you have a 4WD truck you would not gain anything with out ruining your front CV's. As for trimming your bump stops and spacing your upper shock mount the bump stop is there for a reason.If you have the super lift kit which i assume you have it is critical to keep it there because if you compress too much your CV will take a crap. So with out further info i could not tell you any more than i have. I could only assume you have a super lift kit and a body lift to fit that sort of meat under your sport.


I do not have a lift kit,All I have done is the tt and a 3" body lift for the rear I have a shackle kit, add a leaf and new sport trac springs The info you have given me about the coilover setup is what I expected. I will just keep the setup I have and save a bunch of money.I have pictures of my Explorer in the photo gallery, it is the black sport you will see.I did have to trim in the front the lower edge of the wheel opening for the 35's but that was it.I have not had a single problem yet with a cv joint,I thought the 35's would do them in, but after running 7 days in Moab and running 4+ trails all is good.Thanks for the info.

Just to add: Dixon Brothers makes a coil over setup for explorers that have custom cut high angle CV's. Yes it is a bit pricey, check it out

Even though it's expensive I would personally like to have this kit. IMO the torsion bars look like can get banged up pretty bad on the trails.

The dixon bro's kit replaces the arms too so the CV angle does not change. Its a long arm kit which gives you the lift.

The dixon bro's kit replaces the arms too so the CV angle does not change. Its a long arm kit which gives you the lift.

Yeah, the only thing I may not like is the baja desert rat look with the front wheels sticking out father than the rear.

You think this kit would replace a super lift for the front or could it be installed and still work??

the super lift kit uses the factory torsion bars but drops them down. The Dixion brothers kit eliminates the torsion bars and in its place uses a coilover set up.
