Cold Air Intake / because my airbox fell apart | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cold Air Intake / because my airbox fell apart


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2005
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2001 XLT
so the air box fell apart. And I am looking to clean that up a bit. (Get rid of the glued and taped airbox) I see the ebay specials that are open element from the maf to the cone/ the air raid box/ and the k&n
Any suggestions on which way to go?
Didn’t see a single used k&n intake on eBay.

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Any will work as long as they're installed properly, but the oiled filters can cause problems with the MAF sensor. IMO, other than looks and sound, there is little benefit in installing one of these so called "cold air kits". If it were me, I'd go to the salvage yard and pick up a good used air box.

I wouldn’t run a k&n on anything modern. I also wouldn’t run a ‘cold air intake’ since they actually suck in hot engine bay air. They mostly just simulate power by allowing a ton more intake noise.

I wouldn’t run a k&n on anything modern. I also wouldn’t run a ‘cold air intake’ since they actually suck in hot engine bay air. They mostly just simulate power by allowing a ton more intake noise.

Agreed. If you want cold air (cooler air) run the stock filter box which sucks in air from outside the engine compartment.

+3. No intention of getting involved in another factory vs. aftermarket intake discussion, but unless you are accelerating or driving over 4000 RPM, that "whopping" 8.59 HP gain @ 5303 RPM doesn't come into play. Neither will fuel economy, especially at those high revs. That's why K&N doesn't claim MPG gains. Clean, used 4.0L SOHC air boxes and intake parts should be abundant in most salvage yards for very reasonable prices. Use a new panel filter, and remove the air "horn" silencer if you want a slightly louder intake sound. Done.


so junkyard parts is the way to go?
I just have to replace the broken box one way or another

I agree for the most part...however I will say that in my experience, the engine revs free'er/easier with one.
In this case, I would just buy a 3" MAF adapter, 4 bolts & lock nuts & buy a washable dry cone filter. Bolt that to the end & use the stock hose to the TB.

so junkyard parts is the way to go?
I just have to replace the broken box one way or another

Owning an old car means getting used to junkyards and junkyard parts! ;)
