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Colorado Get Together

Okay, it sounds like there might be a group of people interested in doing a snowboard/ski trip, and others that want to do a simple meet/greet/eat kind of deal. I figure we can do a ski trip on another day (21st perhaps?) and plan on doing a get together lunch at a place where Hokie can watch his game ;) Maybe some place like Old Chicago, or Champ's. It also still sounds like somewhere North Denver might be a good location for everybody. Or we can push it up further around Ft. Collins if that's where everybody is gonna be around.
If you all do prefer something further than Denver, then I will request the expertise of those that live up in that area. Let's see...

Head Count so far:

FlyBoyCoe - Aurora/C.Springs
ProjectAviator - Wyoming-ish
nssj2 - Ft. Collins
sparkyXplorer - Johnstown
Hokie - Ft. Collins
wakesk8er (may be out of town) - Boulder:fart:
toypaseo - Ft. Collins
Becker69 - Aurora
thesoundmaster - Aurora

Can anybody think of other people to invite?

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I love the outdoors and the snow, but I am not quite a skier/boarder persay...I am liking the Idea of like a sports bar grill or something like that, one place that comes to mind with that type of place is Buffalo Wild Wings but I am just saying that comes to mind but open for many/any places..

What about (jamie) 410? can't think of any more off the top of my head right now...O, what about maybe like "Starkman" from who was on the Slaughterhouse run...?

I am loving the location on "ProjectAviator" - Wyoming-ish I am not sure why but that made me laugh real good...

I just PM'ed Jamie. One of you guys on RMFTC want to give them a shout?

I may be seeing Rich (Starkman) this weekend, if so I'll let him know.

By the way, Jeff, what does Saturday look like? You interested in running Chinaman's with us?

By the way, Jeff, what does Saturday look like? You interested in running Chinaman's with us?

This saturday is no bueno. I wish I could, but it's the Army v Air Force game. Which, other than being a mandatory event, I wouldn't want to miss.


Or we can push it up further around Ft. Collins if that's where everybody is gonna be around.

We could do brewery tours in Fort Collins

We've got:

New Belgium (known for Fat Tire)
O'Dells (known for 90 Shilling)
Fort Collins Brewery
Anheiser Busch

Plus a few bars/restaurants that brew their own (Cooper Smiths, CB&Potts, etc)

One of my favorite past-times (and what I'll be doing saturday) is have friends come up and we do the first three breweries on a cycling tour. Its a trip!

We could do brewery tours in Fort Collins

We've got:

New Belgium (known for Fat Tire)
O'Dells (known for 90 Shilling)
Fort Collins Brewery
Anheiser Busch

Plus a few bars/restaurants that brew their own (Cooper Smiths, CB&Potts, etc)

One of my favorite past-times (and what I'll be doing saturday) is have friends come up and we do the first three breweries on a cycling tour. Its a trip!

Not saying that wouldn't be fun but some of us (I think just me) aren't all 21 yet...I wouldn't mind going to bar/restaurant, actually I wouldn't mind going to the brewery's but I am not sure how they would feel about that...

mmmm breweries... tasty. touring breweries while on bike is amazing as well. i'm game for that any weekend :-) if i'm in town for the meet and greet i'll def hit up a sports bar or what not, i'll go wherever. brett, i might be up in fo co the weekend of nov 17th ish for the football game, some people i know are headed up there. i'll keep ya posted!

as for a trip up to the snow, i'll prob be going up there every weekend that i'm not on call at the hospital... including a most-likely trip to A basin for a few runs one day this weekend

wakesk8er (may be out of town) - Boulder:fart:

haha i really like this, too funny! i'm feeling the same way about boulder right now since i'm hunting for a place to rent here... my free temp housing is coming to an end and i can't find ANYTHING that isn't stupidly overpriced here and is bigger than a crackerbox

Yeah, that's because of their no-expansion laws. They aren't allowed to build any new housing, so supply has dropped near zero, and demand is still high. Therefore, economically, prices are outrageous.

EDIT: Oh, and it's full of hippies that smell bad.

haha.. yeah, there are still plenty of smelly hipppies here :p:

boulder is a lot of fun, but my friends weren't kidding when they told me housing here sucks...

i'm checking around other places like louisville, etc. i have a few leads, something will come up!

Yeah... I'm a little past the pub crawl / multiple bar trips. A sports bar is fine with a pint and lunch, but past that I'd rather just meet up, get a burger and B.S. with you all about trucks, wheelin' and some local trails and/or future trips to plan.

I can always raincheck on the meet depending on what others want.

Figuring most of us would have to drive back home, I think the brewery tour will have to wait. I'm thinking lunch, too. The question is where?

So I figure just kind of find the approx. middle and shoot for a general location and then find a establishment their...unless a certain restaurant is wanted...

We have a few from Southern D/Co Springs, and some northerners like Ft.Collins/johnstown, and of course one way north...WY So what about like northern Denver/boulder/maybe longmont...??

OR should we all caravan up to WY, to make ProjectAviator feel at home...:D, but then where would we meet up?

Figuring most of us would have to drive back home, I think the brewery tour will have to wait.

Haha, good point! I've NEVER been in any condition to drive after hitting my three favorite breweries (New Belgium, O'Dells, Fort Collins)

theres a damn good sports bar up in northern denver, little shy of thornton if memory serves me right. ill get the name tomorrow when i can bug my buddie for it. think thats splitting the difference as good as it gets.

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I would be down for getting together and meeting some of the local forum members. I would be pretty much down for anything also.
