Colorado-Truck Fest July 29th | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Colorado-Truck Fest July 29th

Offroader, I hope your planning on putting your EXplorer in the club part of the show and shine. Then you park on top with everyone else and you don't have to walk far at all.

For everyone else, bring LOTS OF liquids because it does get hot and there pop there is expensive. You can take in your own food also so you don't have to buy the $5.00 burgers.

So does 8:30-9:00 sound good for everyone that is going??????

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We will be there hopefully around 9:00 if we are not there when everyone is ready to head up then I will find you all, and yes Perry I will enter in too! anyone know the prices for any of this?????????????????????

It is $30.00 to get in to the show and shine and all that.
In the past you have gotten a goody bag, and a licence plate, but it has been a while since I have been there.
Good to see you and everyone else that is going to be there.

If you aren't there just come on in and we will have room for you. You won't miss us.

Okay, well I am going to try to make it, but don't plan on me for sure. If I am there, I'm there, if not, I hope you guys have a great time!! Hope to see you on Sun.

Ok we are Leaving today to spend the night in Springs with Shandells brothers, and go out for my birthday! Then we will head up tommorow to Bandimere hope to see everyone there!

count me, possibly in. I won't be showing either truck as neither are show worthy (I've been wokring on them all day and I've got a company picnic tonight in the mountains, and I may be camping up there, not sure yet). I'll know by late tonight :). Either way, I"ll try to show up and at least hook up with everyone!

Matt, you have to bring the Explorer. It doesn't matter if it is show worthy. We just want to show people what can be done to a Explorer.

I'm not going to worry about cleaning mine because there will be a LOT better ones there, but I want to show Explorer's can four wheel.

Just wash it and call it good.

Well i am probibaly not going to be there. I have some important things to do. if I get done in time i will come and see the trucks but mine won't be in the show. Have fun and show them all what the Explorer is really about.

Well, I have a raging spectator's tan (burn) but that was soooo fun! The X's looked great all posed like they were...

Thank you Perry and Teri for the snacks, and Marshall for the water. You saved me! I had a blast despite the miserable heat.

Wooo hooo weren't those semis awesome? LOL
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My throat hurts from chearing so much at all that cool horsepower and my redneck burn hurts just cause it does. It was a blast to go! It was 100% more fun being there with a chick that loved it too! (Maranda)

Thanks to Joe and Marshall for bringing out there Explorer's. Been nice if there had been more show up but we still had a good time.

It was a lot of fun watching the people check out the Explorer's. Most people just didn't see the custom work that has been done to the X's such as Joe's bumpers and rock sliders, our tire rack, and I know Marshall had some also, but not sure what. he,he!!
All three of us have lifts which was nice.

Now to try and get some pictures of the group.

Maranda, the semi's are O.K. but not NEAR FAST ENOUGH.......

whish I could have been there. There must of been some cool trucks. I had to help my brother get his truck ready for a DB drag race in Denver. It was hot up there, and there were lots of cool trucks at the competition. Sorry I could not make it.

well I had fun, sorry I didn't stay longer (especially after paying $12, LOL) but it was just too hot and I had a few other things I needed to accomplish today. Hope y'all don't mind. I understand several hotties stopped by the Explorers after I left, dang I always miss the good ones (either that or they try to avoid me on purpose) :).
Here's a few pictures I got while I was there:

Most of the Fords that were there (which lets face it, is all I really wanted to see anyways) were the same ones that were out at All Ford day a few days back but it was still a fun event!
Here's a few pictures I took:
Just about my dream F-150. A decent lift, nice tires and rims, cool exhaust, and best of all, a supercharger :).
The owner was there but seemed extremely uninterested in discussing his vehicle at all... what is up with that? You spend all that money on a rig, you think you'd be dying to tell people all about it, I know I usually am :).

Here's the Explorer group. Marshall, perry and Joe Dietz. Me and Ryan were also there but ours were parked :).


This picture was not taken to show the cool Chevy (which it wasn't) but rather to show the paint job, which shows the "slash stripes" I am hoping to get on my F-150 eventually. Except mine would be all black with a white outline, and would also paint the front part black including the airdam and the grill and installing some "smoke" headlight covers.

Originally posted by Perry

Maranda, the semi's are O.K. but not NEAR FAST ENOUGH.......

That 13 second one was pretty darn fast!!! Of course it wasn't your everyday semi... I actually liked the loud, faster, smaller trucks also.

Ugh nice pic of me in mid-snowcone there. :rolleyes:

well I am a little late responding to this but hey better late than never,
thanks to all it was a lot of fun, Ryan and Maranda, Brendan says hi and wants a balloon, you tow are great with kids I see some great parents evolving, well Maranda sounds like she already is and Ryan is doing good too!
Besides the same burn as Ryan I had a lot of fun too, Shandell had fun but ended up with a pretty bad case of heat stroke she was sick and felt horrible the whole way home, but she said to tell everyone hi and still talks about how nice everyone is!

Ryan you really need to get a LOUD fast truck, I thought I was the only one that ever went nuts over loudness!

My "baby" will be 4 next month... I miss my daily baby fixes that I used to get working in the birthing unit. I don't get much of that anymore, working at a chemical fertilizer place! LOL Brendan is a doll. :)

That heat was rough; I feel for Shandell. It's especially hard to be toting/feeding a baby plus take care of youself! I was taking cold showers for a couple of days afterwards.

Yep, Ryan has some loud and fast car/truck issues. It's great to see his huge grin, and then know to give him a sharp tug when he starts wanting to climb the fence onto the track. LOL
